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TM 11-5840-270-24-1
d. Continue to hold S2 depressed and adjust R1
t. Adjust R1 until horizontal pointer is aligned
counterclockwise until vertical pointer just moves
over second dot below airplane. Observe that M1
away from the stop. Observe that M1 indicates not
indicates 10711 microampere.
less than 130 microampere.
u. Adjust R1 until horizontal pointer is aligned
e. Release S2 and rotate R1 to maximum
over third dot below airplane. Observe that M1
indicates 1507.5 microampere.
j. Set S1 to L.
v. Rotate R1 full counterclockwise.
g. Depress and hold S2.
w. Set S8 to OFF position.
h. While holding S2, adjust R1 until M1 in-
4-22. Warning Flag Deflection Test
dicates 750 microampere. Observe that vertical
a. Check that S8 is in OFF position.
pointer is off-scale (beyond dots and against left
b. Set S1 to V position
internal stop).
c. Adjust R1 until vertical warning flag (fig. 1-1)
i. Continue to hold S2 depressed and adjust R1
just moves.  O b s e r v e that M1 indicates 125
counterclockwise until vertical pointer just moves
microamperes 6.25 A.
away from the stop. Observe that M1 indicates not
less than 130 microampere.
In c above, if current is above 131.25 A,
j. Release S 2 and rotate R1 to maximum
mechanism spring tension must be adjusted
to reduce tension. Move the terminal on the
k. Set S1 to UP.
flag mechanism with the white wire clock-
l. Depress and hold S2.
wise slightly and recheck. If c above is
m. While holding S2, adjust R1 until M1 in-
u n d e r 118.75 A, move terminal on
dicates 750 microampere. Observe that vertical
mechanism counterclockwise slightly and
pointer is off-scale (Beyond dots and against top
recheck. The case must be removed to
internal stop).
obtain access to mechanism (para 4-8).
n. Continue to hold S2 depressed and adjust R1
d. Adjust R1 until vertical flag disappears behind
counterclockwise until vertical pointer just moves
mask. observe that M1 indicates 250 microam-
away from the stop. Observe that M1 indicates not
peres 12.5 A.
less than 130 microampere.
e. Rotate R1 to maximum counterclockwise
o. Release S2 and rotate R1 to maximum
f. Set S1 to H position.
p. Set S1 to DWN.
g. Adjust R1 until horizontal warning flag (fig. 1-
q. Depress and hold S2.
1) just moves. Observe that M1 indicates 125
r. While holding S2, adjust R1 until M1 in-
microamperes 6.25 A.
dicates 750 microampere. Observe that vertical
pointer is off-scale (beyond dots and against bottom
In g above, if current is above 131.25A,
internal stop).
mechanism spring tension must be adjusted
s. Continue to hold S2 depressed and adjust R1
to reduce tension. Move the terminal on the
counterclockwise until vertical pointer just moves
flag mechanism with the orange wire clock-
away from the stop. Observe that M1 indicates not
wise slightly and recheck. If g above is
less than 130 microampere.
under  118.75A,  move  terminal  on
t. Release S2 and rotate R1 to maximum
mechanism counterclockwise slightly and
recheck. The case must be removed to
4-24. Pointer Response Time Test
obtain access to mechanism (para 4-8).
a. Set S1 to R.
h. Adjust R1 until horizontal flag disappears
b. Depress and hold S6.
behind mask. Observe that M1 indicates 250
c. While holding S6, adjust R2 until vertical
microampere 12.5A.
pointer is just tangent to inside edge of outermost
i. Rotate R1 to maximum counterclockwise
dot on indicator dial. Release S6.
d. Observe and record M1 indication. Multiply
4-23. Pointer Stops Test
recorded indication by 1.1.
a. Set S1 to R position.
e. Adjust R2 to current value computed in d .
b. Depress and hold S2.
c. While holding S2, adjust R1 until Ml in-
f. Depress S5 to reset timer to 00, and then
dicates 750 microampere. Observe that vertical
release S5.
pointer is off-scale (beyond dots and against right
g. Depress S4 and hold until vertical pointer is
internal stop).

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