TM 11-5840-270-24-1
Figure 4-6. Test panel, Indicator ID-48A/ARN.
4-20. Terminal Resistance Test
first dot left of airplane. Observe that M1 indicates
12011 microampere.
a. Depress S3. Observe that M2 indicates center
j. Adjust R1 until vertical pointer is aligned over
zero 3 percent. Release S3.
second dot left of airplane. Observe that M1 in-
b. Repeat a. above for all positions of S1.
dicates 1507.5 microampere.
4-21. Pointer Deflection Test
k. Rotate R1 full counterclockwise.
a. Set S8 to H position.
l. Set S8 to V position.
b. Set S1 to R.
m. Set S1 to UP.
c. Adjust R1 until vertical pointer is aligned over
n. Adjust R1 until horizontal pointer is aligned
right end of airplane on indicator dial. Observe that
over first dot above airplane on indicator dial.
Ml indicates 9011 microampere.
Observe that M1 indicates 6511 microampere.
d. Adjust R1 until vertical pointer is aligned with
o. Adjust R1 until horizontal pointer is aligned
first dot right of airplane. Observe that M1 in-
over second dot above airplane. Observe that M1
dicates 12011 microampere.
indicates 10711 microampere.
e. Adjust R1 until vertical pointer is aligned over
p. Adjust R1 until horizontal pointer is aligned
second dot right of airplane. Observe that M1
over third dot above airplane, observing 1507.5
indicates 1507.5 microampere.
microampere on M1.
f. Rotate R1 full counterclockwise.
q. Rotate R1 full counterclockwise.
g. Set S1 to L.
r. Set S1 to D position.
h. Adjust R1 until vertical pointer is aligned over
s. Adjust R1 until indicator horizontal pointer is
left end of airplane on indicator dial. Observe that
aligned over first dot below airplane on indicator
Ml indicates 9011 microampere.
dial. O b s e r v e that M l indicates 6511
i. Adjust R1 until vertical pointer is aligned with
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