TM 11-5840-270-24-1
z. Observe time indicated on the two-digit
just tangent to inside edge of outermost dot, then
immediately release S4.
TIMER and record.
h. Observe time indicated on the tow-digit
aa. Repeat y and z above at least five times. The
TIMER indication should average 1.2 seconds
TIMER and record.
i. Repeat g and h above at least five times. The
ab. Set S1 to D.
TIMER indication should average 1.2 seconds
ac. Depress and hold S6.
ad. While holding S6, adjust R2 until horizontal
j. Set S1 to L.
pointer is just tangent to inside edge of lowest dot
k. Depress and hold S6.
on indicator dial. Release S6.
l. While holding S6, adjust R2 until vertical
ae. Observe and record M1 indication. Multiply
pointer is just tangent to inside edge of outermost
recorded indication by 1.1.
dot on indicator dial. Release S6.
af. Adjust R2 to current value computed in a e
m. Observe and record M1 indication. Multiply
recorded indication by 1.1
ag. Depress S5 to reset timer to 00, and then
n. Adjust R2 to current value computed in step
release S5.
ah. Depress S4 and hold until horizontal pointer
o. Depress S5 to reset timer to 00, and then
is just tangent to inside edge of lowest dot, then
release S5.
immediately release S4. TIMER shall indicate 1.2
p. Depress S4 and hold until vertical pointer is
seconds maximum.
just tangent to inside edge of outermost dot, then
ai. Observe time indicated on the two-digit
immediately release S4. TIMER shall indicate 1.2
TIMER and record.
seconds maximum.
aj. Repeat ah and ai above at least five times.
q. Observe time indicated on the two-digit
The TIMER indication should average 1.2 seconds
TIMER and record.
r. Repeat p and q above at least five times. The
TIMER indication should average 1.2 seconds
4-25. Beacon Light Test
a. Set S7 to A.
s. Set S1 to UP.
b. Depress cap of indicator beacon light. Lamp
t. Depress and hold S6.
shall light. Release cap, lamp shall go out.
u. While holding S6, adjust R2 until horizontal
c. Set S7 to B. Lamp shall light. Depress cap,
pointer is just tangent to inside edge of uppermost
lamp shall go out.
dot on indicator dial. Release S6.
4-26. Internal Short Test
v. Observe and record M1 indication. Multiply
recorded indication by 1.1.
b. Set range to highest resistance range.
W . Adjust R2 to current value computed in v
connector on rear of indicator.
x. Depress S5 to reset timer to 00, and then
release S5.
(connector shell) and each pin of each connector.
y. Depress S4 and hold until horizontal pointer is
Resistance should be infinite, indicating no internal
just tangent to inside edge of uppermost dot, then
immediately release S4. TIMER shall indicate 1.2
seconds maximum.
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