![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
power supply by shutting down the power supply when
the ac source voltage decreases to 80 vac or less.
When the incoming voltage decreases to 80 vac or less,
5-621. GENERAL.
In the power supply, electrical
an inhibit signal is generated to inhibit the +5volt power
components are mounted directly on the power supply
supply. Turning off the +5-volt power supply completely
chassis, on the motherboard (A1), and on four plug-in
cards. The four plug-in cards, 12volt regulator card A1,
shuts down the power supply. When the input ac voltage
increases to 100 vac or more, the inhibit signal is
+5-volt regulator card A2, 12-volt driver card A3, and
removed and the power supply becomes functional
+5-volt driver card A4; all plug into the motherboard. The
again. The +5-volt power supply generates the +5V (c)
block diagrams associated with the block diagram
power required to operate the voltage regulator and clock
discussion are shown in figures FO-11, 5-46, and 5-47.
generator circuits.
The following schematic diagrams in the circuit diagrams
manuals are used in the detailed circuit discussions:
5-626. The +5-volt and 12-volt over/under voltage
power supply, 12-volt regulator card, +5-volt regulator
detectors (figure 5-46) monitor the +5V Reg, +12V Reg,
card, 12-volt driver card, and the +5-volt driver card.
and -12V Reg outputs from the power supply and
automatically shuts down the power supply when an
over-voltage condition occurs. When an over-voltage
condition occurs, the appropriate detector circuit
5-623. The 115 vac input is applied to step-down
produces a signal through CR2, CR4, or CR6 that
transformer T6 and to the +150-volt power supply (figure
causes the clock error control circuit to generate an
inhibit signal to the clock generator. At the same time, a
+150-volt power supply is the source voltage for the five
signal is also applied through CR1, CR3, or CR5 that
sets of switches in the outputs of the regulated power
causes the alarm generator circuit to generate a signal
supplies. Step-down transformer T6 produces a 18.5-
that, in turn, causes a drivers circuit to produce the local
vdc output that is applied to the +12-volt and -12-volt
alarm and remote alarm signals. The local alarm signal
power supplies. In turn, the two power supplies generate
lights the POWER SUPPLY ALARMS indicator on the
the +12V (c) and -12V (c) voltages that power the control
front panel. The remote alarm signal is applied to the
and voltage regulator circuits.
ERD card to initiate a power supply failure remote alarm
signal. The clock generator circuit contains a 18-kHz
5-624. The constant current generator provides a
oscillator that produces 18-kHz pulses through switch Q4
constant current source of 7.5 ma to the reference
and two inverters to the B clock and A clock flip-flops.
voltage generator. The reference voltage generator, in
The B clock flip-flop produces 9-kHz B clock pulses
turn, produces a constant +4.77V reference (Ref) voltage
through an inverter to the five voltage regulator circuits.
that is applied to the clock generator, 12-volt regulator
In turn, the A clock flip-flop produces similar A-clock
circuit, +5-volt regulator circuits (4), and the +5 and 12-
pulses to the five voltage regulator circuits. The A clock
volt over/under voltage detectors.
and B clock pulses are shut down when an inhibit signal
from the clock error control circuit is applied to switch
5-625. The 4.77 Ref and +12V (c) voltages are applied
to the low-voltage detector circuit. The low-voltage
detector circuit provides low-voltage protection for the
Change 2 5-169
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