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Page Title: Figure 5-47. 12-Volt Regulator Card, 12-Volt Regulator Circuit - Block Diagram
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T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
Figure 5-47. 12-Volt Regulator Card, 12-Volt Regulator Circuit - Block Diagram
A decrease in voltage to the error amplifier causes a less
increased energy requirements. In turn, a decrease in
positive threshold voltage to be applied to the high-speed
current requirements require a narrower pulsewidth to
comparator. At the same time, drive current from the
provide the less energy requirements. The pulse output
switch drivers is applied through the current feedback
from the one-shot multivibrator is amplified through the
transformer as a dc ramp (sawtooth) voltage to a second
pulse amplifier as the Q1 drive pulses that are applied to
the 12-volt driver card.
input on the high-speed comparator.
When the
amplitude of the dc ramp voltage reaches the threshold
5-628. The drive pulses from the 12volt regulator
level applied from the error amplifier a control pulse is
generated to turn or. switch Q8.  In turn, switch Q8
circuit are applied through the 12-volt driver card (A2) to
resets a one-shot multivibrator when it is turned on. The
drive the 12-volt switches. Each time the switches are
one-shot multivibrator is triggered on by the B clock
pulsed, energy is coupled through a transformer to the
signal from the clock generator.  The time that the
12-volt rectifier circuits that produce a dc input to the
multivibrator is allowed to conduct determines the width
12-volt filter circuit. The outputs from the filter circuit
of the drive pulses generated by the pulse amplifier. The
are the +12V Reg and -12V Reg outputs that are applied
conduction time of the multivibrator is determined when
to power the logic circuits in the multiplexer set.
switch Q8 is turned on. Figure 5-48 shows that a narrow
pulsewidth is used to decrease the output voltage level
5-629. The +5-volt regulator card contains four identical
and a wider pulsewidth is required to increase the output
regulator circuits that are operated in parallel to generate
voltage level. Normally, a decrease in the output voltage
the drive pulses for the four sets of switches.
level indicates an increased current power requirement.
Therefore, a wider pulsewidth is required to provide the

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