![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
Assuming that the incoming minor frame count pattern is
applied to U46 and U41. When signal DNSE is applied
not deliberately changed, adequate count up sequences
to U46 and U41, signals DENS0, DENS1, and DENS3
are developed between random no-compares to hold the
are applied through the selectors to U33. When both
count above zero in the error up/down counter so that
signals are missing during word 28, signals DENAO,
consecutive minor frame counts can be properly
DENA1, and DENA3 are applied to U33. In a no-error
generated from the minor frame counter.
condition, three ones are applied to the preset inputs of
overhead error counter U33 during word 28. Since the
MSB preset input to U33 is always high, a count of 15 is
5-553. Error Rate Detector (ERD) Circuits. The three
preset into U33. Therefore, the TC output of U33 goes
divide-by-10 registers (U9, U2, and U1) are clocked by
high and applies a count up signal to AND gate U16-8
end-of-scan signal DEOS2B- during words 1 through 23.
and a count down inhibit through inverter U32-10 to AND
Each output from the three registers plus word 24
gate U17-6.
through word 29 signal DW2429- are applied to the input
of one AND gate in threshold control logic U10. One
5-555. For each error count applied through the error
error rate threshold switch is set to enable one of the four
count selectors to the preset input of overhead error
AND gates in U10. Enabling switch 10 effectively
counter U33, one count down pulse is effectively
allows each DEOS2B- signal generated during words 1
generated to AND gate U17-6 through inverter U32-10.
through 23 to clock a count into divide-by-16 threshold
Assuming an error count of four, a count of 11 is preset
counter U4. Switch 10 allows one out of 100 DEOS2B-
into counter U33 during word 28. (Input from U41 to U33
signals to clock U4. Switch 10 allows one out of 1000
is low and all other inputs to U33 are high.) Therefore,
DEOS2B- signals to clock U4. Switch 10 allows one out
four DEOS2B- signals are required to reach the TC
of 10,000 DEOS2B- signals to clock U4. In turn, counter
count out of U33.
U4 clocks out one count up pulse for each 16 times it is
clocked. Each time a terminal count of 15 is obtained, a
5-556. Each time AND gate U16-8 is enabled, the low
count up enable pulse is applied from U4 to AND gate
output is applied as a count up pulse to counter U25. In
U16-8. At the same time, a count down inhibit pulse is
turn, each time AND gate U17-6 is enabled, a count
applied through inverter U3-10 to AND gate U17-6. The
down pulse is applied to counter U25. AND gate U16-8
time during which a TC count is not present, an inhibit
is enabled when a count up signal is applied from U4 and
count up signal is applied to AND gate U16-8 to prevent
U33, the count in U25 is less than 15, and signal
any count up from occurring, and the signal applied
DEOS2B- is applied to the SB card. AND gate U17-6 is
through inverter U3-10 is applied as a count down enable
enabled when a count up signal is applied from U4 and
signal to AND gate U17-6.
U33, the count in U25 is not zero, and signal DEOS2B- is
applied to the SB card. In an error environment, AND
5-554. The error counts produced on the FS card for
gate U24-10 produces a high error output when the
the three stuff commands are applied to error count
count in U25 decreases to a count of three or less.
selectors U46 and U41 during word 28. Error count
signals DEPSO, DEPS1, and DEPS3 are applied
through the selectors to U33 when signal DPSE is
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