![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
Signal DNSE causes error count signals DENSO,
count of one or more is present in the counter. In normal
DENS1, and DENS2 to be applied to the counter. The
operation, when a sufficient number of error bits is
absence of both signals DPSE and DNSE during word
detected and the error up/down counter is decremented
28 causes signals DENAO, DENA1, and DENA2 to be
to a count of three or less, AND gate U24-10 generates a
applied to the counter. Word 28 signal DW28 presets
link error signal to the remote alarm circuits and to the
the selected error count (between zero and seven) into
front panel.
the over- head error counter. The outputs from the three
selector circuits are inverted; therefore, in a no-error
5-544. The error rate threshold circuits establish the bit
condition, three ones are applied to the overhead error
error rate that can be tolerated in a given number of data
counter. The count eight preset input to the counter is
bits before a link error condition is indicated by lighting
always high (connected to +5 volts).Therefore, a no-error
the LINK ERROR RATE indicator on the front panel.
condition presets a count of 15 into the counter and
Four error rate threshold switches on the ERD card
causes the terminal count (TC) output to go high and
provide for the selection of one of four threshold levels.
The switches are marked 10 10 10 and 10 and
present a count up input to the error up/down counter.
correspond to a threshold level of one error in 10 bits,
one error in 100 bits, one error in 1000 bits, or one error
5-542. An error count of seven from the three selectors
in 10, 000 bits. In normal operation, the divide-by-16
to the overhead error counter appears as three zeros so
threshold counter divides down the pulses from the
that the next preset count into the counter is a count of
selected threshold input. Each output pulse from the
eight. As a result, seven count down pulses are
counter is a count up enable pulse that is applied to AND
produced while the next seven DEOS2B- signals
gate U16-8 in the count up input to the error up/down
increment the overhead error counter output to produced
counter. When a pulse is not generated, the output from
the TC out- put. Therefore, in all conditions, the
the counter is a count down enable signal to AND gate
overhead error counter produces one count down pulse
U17 in the count down input to the error up/down
for each error count applied to the three selectors for the
counter. When a count up enable is applied to AND gate
given stuff command being monitored.
U16-8 at the time that a TC count is present from the
overhead error counter, a count up pulse increments the
5-543. AND gate U16-8 in the count up input of the
error up/down counter if the counter output is less than
error up/down counter is enabled by count up signals
15. In turn, a count up enable from the divide-by-16
from the divide-by-16 threshold counter and by the
threshold counter applied at the time that a TC count is
overhead error counter, signal DEOS2B-, and an enable
not present from the overhead error counter will nullify
signal from AND gate U16-6. When the error up/down
one count down pulse by a low-level inhibit applied
counter contains a count of 15, AND gate U16-6 inhibits
through inverter U3 to AND gate U17. Therefore, when
AND gate U16-8 to hold the maximum counter output to
the count from the error up/down counter is less than 15,
15. AND gate U17 in the count down input of the error
each count up pulse from the divide-by-16 threshold
up/down counter is enabled by count down signals from
counter causes one count up to be accomplished, or the
the divide-by-16 threshold counter and by the overhead
count up pulse effectively nullifies one count down pulse
error counter, signal DEOS2B-, and an enable signal
from being applied to the counter.
from AND gate U23. When the counter contains a count
of zero, AND gate U23 inhibits AND gate U17 until a
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