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T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
It should be noted that a count up enable from the divide-
the temperature alarm circuit on the front panel. The
by-16 threshold counter occurs once for each 16, 160,
reset signal through OR gate U17 develops error reset
1600, or 16, 000 overhead data bits as determined by
signals DERRS and DERRS- that reset the diagnostic
the setting of the error rate threshold switches. The 16-
circuits on the demultiplexer cards. The error reset latch
bit interval corresponds to a switch setting of 1 error per
is reset by signal ERSTSW- when the front panel
10 bits; the 160-bit interval corresponds to a switch
DISPLAY RESET switch is released.
setting of 1 error per 100 bits, etc. Thus, for example, if
the error rate threshold switches were set for 1 error in
5-546. When the front panel SELF TEST switch is set
10 bits and no errors were being detected, the error
to the on (up) position, self-test switch signal STS- is
up/down counter would be incremented only once per 16
applied to the ERD card, setting the self-test latch. At
over- head data bits. The apparent difference between
this time, self-test signals ST1- and ST2- are produced
the 1-in-10 error rate threshold selected by the switches,
to set the diagnostic circuits on all the cards in the
and the 1-in-16 rate for incrementing the error up/ down
multiplexer set to their self-test mode. When the SELF
counter is due to the statistical nature of the error rate
TEST switch is set to the off (down) position, self-test
measurement approach.  Statistically, measuring zero
one-shot  multivibrator  U12  is  triggered  on  for
errors in 16 bits provides approximately 80 percent
approximately 10 seconds to hold the logic circuits in a
confidence that the error rate among all received data
reset condition until the diagnostic circuits have time to
bits is no worse than 1 in 10.  Similarly, one bit of
resettle to the no-error state.
detected error during a 16-bit interval indicates an error
rate of 1 in 10 at a confidence level of approximately 50
5-547. Loss
percent.  Therefore, when a given error rate switch
demultiplexer frame sync signal DFS to go low.  This
setting is selected, and the front panel LINK ERROR
condition produces error reset signals DERRS and
RATE indicator is out, the operator can be approximately
DBRRS- from OR gate U17.  At the same time that
80 percent confident that the overall error rate of the
signal DFS goes low, frame sync one-shot multivibrator
incoming data stream is no worse than the threshold
U12 is triggered on for approximately 0.5 second. The
value selected.
resulting delay inhibits the diagnostic circuits while the
5-545. Error Reset and Self-Test Circuits (Figure 5-
41). The error reset function in the multiplexer set is
5-548. Remote Alarm Circuits (Figure 5-41).  Six
initiated when the front panel DISPLAY RE-SET switch is
remote alarm circuits on the ERD card provide
At this time, error reset switch signal
operational status signals to the REMOTE ALARM
ERSTSW- is applied to the ERD card, which sets the
connector on the rear panel.  The six signals can be
error reset latch. If the front panel SELF TEST switch is
routed to a remote location for monitoring purposes.
set to the off (down) position, AND gate U26-3 is enabled
Five of the six signals are generated by energizing an
and causes error reset signals ERST- and ERST, and
associated remote alarm relay (K1 through K5) to
reset temperature alarm signal RTA to be generated to
provide a closed-loop condition when an error condition
re- set their associated diagnostic circuits to their off
positions. Signals ERST- and ERST reset the diagnostic
circuits on the multiplexer cards and signal RTA resets
Change 1 5-146

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