![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
The minor frame count in the overhead data bits is
maintain a count greater than eight. When the count
contained in words 24 through 28. There- fore, an A=B
decreases to a count of seven, the count 8- signal is
output can only be obtained during a compare in word
routed to the error reset circuits, which, in turn, generate
28. An output from the minor frame comparator can only
a demultiplexer error reset signal. When the counter
be accepted by the AND gates in the input of the error
output reaches zero, the resynchronization of the minor
up/down counter during the time that word 28 signal
frame counter is performed.
DW28 and end-of-scan signal DEOS2B- are applied to
the AND gates. Therefore, when a compare is made
5-541. Error Rate Detector (ERD) Circuits (Figure FO-
during word 28, an A=B (high) output becomes a count
10). The ERD circuits monitor the rate at which data bit
up input to the error up/down counter. When a no-
errors occur in the incoming high-speed serial data
compare exists during word 28, the absence of the A=B
stream. When the detected error rate exceeds a
signal is a count down input to the counter. When the
predetermined threshold, the ERD circuits cause the
error up/down counter is decremented to produce a
front panel LINK ERROR RATE indicator to light.
count zero, a preset enable signal is applied to the
Detection of data bit errors requires a knowledge of what
counter control. The counter control, in turn, presets the
sense (1 or 0) the data bits should be, as well as what
existing minor frame count (during word 28) in the
sense the data bits actually are. Of all the data bits
overhead shift register into the minor frame counter to
entering the demultiplexer, only the correct sense of
reestablish synchronization. The minor frame counter
selected overhead bits in the three stuffing codes is
continues to generate sequential minor frame counts
Therefore, error rate measurement is
DMFCO through DMFC4 until another preset enable
accomplished by using a statistical sampling approach in
signal is generated by the error up/down counter.
which the rate of errors occurring in the overhead data
bits is considered to be representative (within statistical
5-540. When the equipment is initially energized, the
limits) of the error rate occurring among all data bits
minor frame count in the 5-bit overhead register does not
received. More specifically, errors detected in overhead
match the minor frame count from the minor frame
data bits 1 through 23 by the FS card are used by the
counter. Therefore, each output from the minor frame
ERD card for error rate measurement purposes. Three
comparator during word 28 decrements the error
sets of error counts from the FS card are applied during
up/down counter until a preset enable signal (count zero)
word 28 to the three error count (1, 2, and 4) selectors
is generated and applied to the counter control circuit,
on the ERD card. At the same time, the decoded stuff
which, in turn, causes the minor frame count from the
command code (positive,
negative, or no action),
overhead register to be pre- set into the minor frame
represented by the presence or absence of signals
counter. Therefore, the two minor frame counts applied
DNSE and DPSE, selects one set of error counts to be
to the minor frame comparator at the next compare time
applied through the three error count selectors to the
should be the same. In the synchronous condition, the
overhead error counter. When signal DPSE is applied
error up/down counter is incremented until it contains a
error count signals DEPSO, DEPS1, and DEPS2 are
maximum count of 15. When a count of 15 is reached,
applied to the preset inputs of the overhead error
AND gate U19 inhibits a further count up condition. In
normal operation, the error up/down counter should
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