![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3011
In a no-error condition, signals PSE and NSE applied to
applications, it is possible that, over a given period of
AND gate U28-3 are never present (high) at the same
time, a given number of data bits in the incoming
time. In turn, the signals applied to the other AND gates
message may be erroneous as a result of environmental
are con- figured so that any one of the AND gates should
and electrical transient interferences.
Distorted or
never be enabled in a no-error condition. For example,
missing data bits could result in erroneous minor frame
any two of the ENA3, EPS3, and ENS3 signals should
counts and could cause errors in the demultiplexer timing
never be low at the same time.
function. The minor frame numbers in the overhead
messages are always applied in a predetermined order.
5-534. Loss of frame sync diagnostic signal LBS- is
Therefore, it is practical to identify a minor frame count
generated when demultiplexer frame sync signal
in one overhead message and then synthetically
DSYNC- is generated out of sequence. In a no-error
generate error-free minor frame counts in the
condition, AND gate U12-10 is not enabled when signal
demultiplexer that are identical to the subsequent minor
DSYNC- is generated. When AND gate U12-10 is
frame counts which should exist in the subsequent
enabled, loss of frame sync signal LBS- is generated
incoming messages.
The minor frame generation
from flip-flop Ull when the next RIO-signal is generated.
circuits perform this function. The circuits scan the
incoming message and establish synchronization to a 5-
bit minor frame count during word 28.
synchronization is established, the minor frame count
generated on the ERD card is used in the demultiplexer
circuits. A comparator circuit continually compares the
5-536. GENERAL. The ERD card is one of the common
minor frame count generated in the ERD card with the
card types in the demultiplexer. Two functions are
minor frame count in the overhead message. Through
performed in the ERD card: a timing function that
application of a confidence counter-comparator circuit,
generates the minor frame count signals used in the
the circuits are programmed to detect a nominal amount
demultiplexer timing functions,
and an error rate
of differences (no compares) without trying to
detection function that lights the LINK ERROR RATE
resynchronize the minor frame count generated in the
indicator when the occurrence rate of errors detected in
ERD card. It is probable that a nominal amount of no
the incoming serial data stream exceeds a
compares may be caused by transient problems rather
predetermined threshold. The functional circuits on the
than by a true loss of synchronization. When the number
ERD card are divided into the minor frame generation
of no compares exceeds a predetermined figure, a
circuits shown in figure 5-40, the error rate detection
resynchronization function is performed to synchronize
circuits shown in figure FO-10, and the error reset and
the demultiplexer frame count to the frame count in the
self-test circuits shown in figure 5-41. The logic diagram
incoming message.
for the ERD card associated with the detailed circuit
discussion is contained in the circuit diagrams manual.
5-539. Minor Frame Generation Circuits (Figure 5-
40). The incoming demultiplexer overhead data bits
(DOD-) are continually applied to the overhead shift
register, the minor frame comparator, and the counter
5-538. Minor Frame Generation Concept. The 5-bit
control circuit.
minor frame count is in bit 0 of words 24 through 28 in
the overhead message format.
In some system
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