![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3011
5-516. In the parallel maintenance function, each data
the output count of counter U57 to 0000. The A=B signal
bit in 10 consecutive data words is monitored for the
from comparator U65 determines the number of
presence of one of the three stuff command codes
addresses applied to the R.A.M.'s. To service 32 bit
contained in the bit 0 positions of the first 10 words of the
locations in the R.A.M.'s, an A=B signal after a count of
incoming message format. At the time that the VLSR is
16 is required; to service 20 bit locations, a count of 10
enabled, the circuits on the FS card do not know which
is required. Half-rate flip- flop U56-5 is toggled by RIO-
words they are monitoring in the incoming message
to produce the half-rate clocks to counter U57 and the
format. The first words monitored could be any bit
half-rate write enable signals to AND gate U55-11.
sequence within any 10-word sequence. The VLSR, in
effect, serially processes, at word level, 10 consecutive
5-518. Each R.A.M. services two pairs of data inputs
words while per- forming a parallel search of each bit
(SD3, SD2). Each data bit is temporarily stored in a
location in each word. Each R.A.M. in the VLSR holds
memory location for one data word time (between 16 and
two sets of data bits that are the equivalent of two
32 bit times). During each word time, a review of data
consecutive data words containing between 16 and 32
bits equivalent to one word length is written into each set
data bits. In one word time, each data bit in each of the
of R.A.M. memory locations. The result is data bits for
two sets stored in each of the R.A.M.'s is scanned in
one word being shifted serially to the adjacent R.A.M.
parallel, one bit at a time. After the equivalent of one
memory locations. Each pair of parallel outputs (SD3,
data word is scanned, the bits in each data word
SD2) in each R.A.M. being serviced is applied as inputs
location (DO, D1, D2, D3) are shifted (B1 becomes B2,
to a 6-bit storage register (U40, U32, U24, or U9). The
B8 becomes B9, etc) and the next parallel search is
high enable signal from U56 to AND gate U55-11 is also
performed. This process continues until a compare is
applied as the latch signal to the four storage registers
made as described in the following paragraphs.
(U40, U32, U24, and U9). At this time, the four data
bit outputs from the R.A.M.'s are latched into the
5-517. The odd-bit shift register circuits in the VLSR are
registers. One-half RIO time later, a high RIO is applied
disabled when the LSB (DPUBO) of the applied 5-bit
to the second input of AND gate U55-11 and a low-level
ports- in-use signals is a one, representing an odd
write enable is applied to each R.A.M. to initiate the next
number. The low signal out of inverter U36-4 holds odd-
write function.
bit flip-flop U64-5 in a preset condition and the signal
makes the LSB of the preset countered in 4-bit address
5-519. The data bits latched into the four storage
counter U57 a zero. With flip-flop U64-5 held in a high
registers (U40, U32, U24, and U9) are applied to the
state, half-rate flip-flop U56-5 increments the counter to
Al, A2 (SD3) and B1, B2 (SD2) inputs of data selectors
generate a different address to the five R.A.M.'s (U49,
U48, U31, U23, U16, and U8. The B select input to
U41, U33, U25, and U17) every other RIO time. When
each data selector is held at a low level by the Q output
the counter output reaches a count that compares with
from odd-bit address flip-flop U64-9. The A input of each
the count pro- vided to address comparator U65 by
data selector is alternately enabled at the system clock
signals DPUB1, DPUB2, DPUB3, and DPUB4, the ad-
rate by Q output (half-rate clock-) from half-rate
dress comparator generates an A=B signal that presets
generator flip-flop U56-6.
Change 1 5-137
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