![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3011
In an error condition, the compare condition is not
signals from U1 and U2 are applied to data flip-flop U4.
obtained and an error signal is applied through an OR
When the switch is in the LOOP position, the data and
gate to produce signal FSD- that is applied as an error
timing signals from the multiplexer portion of the same
input to the display card.
multiplexer set are applied to the data flip-flop for test
purposes. The data and timing from the multiplexer in
5-509. The stuff command code compare circuits
the loopback configuration are usable only when the
effectively compare the positive stuff code and negative
multiplexer and demultiplexer in a multiplexer set are
stuff code signals being generated in the sync
configured the same; i.e., for duplex operation.
maintenance circuits. An error condition exists when
both stuff codes are detected within the circuits at the
5-514. The incoming data are clocked through flip-flop
same time. During any one minor frame period being
U4-6 and the data channel output shift register formed by
monitored, only one stuff command will be in the
flip-flops U4-9, U5-5, and U5-9. The shift register
overhead message. When an error is detected, a
function is inhibited when signal FS (DFS) applied to U5-
diagnostic error signal is applied through an OR gate as
10 is low. Signal FS is low when the demultiplexer frame
signal FSD-.
synchronization is not established. The data output from
the shift register is applied through four parallel inverters
5-510. The second diagnostic error signal, LBS-, is
U3 to produce parallel output signals DTI1- through
generated when demultiplexer frame sync signal
DTI4- that are the data inputs to the active channel cards
DSYNC- is generated and the signal is not in
in the demultiplexer. The data output from flip-flop U4-6
synchronization with the parallel sync control circuits.
is also applied to data shift register U13, which produces
signals SD2 and SD3 that are used in the frame
synchronization function. U13 contains quad flip-flop
circuits that are configured as a serial-in, parallel-out
shift register. Signals SD2 and SD3 are sequential data
5-512. The logic diagram associated with this detailed
bit outputs wherein SD2 is a data bit delayed one RIO
circuit discussion is contained in the circuit diagrams
time and SD3 is a data bit delayed two RIO times.
manual. The input data pulses (DATA+ and DATA-) are
applied through switches S1 and S4 to data receiver U1,
where the data pulses are conditioned to a TTL logic
5-515. Signals SD2 and SD3 from U13 is applied as an
level compatible with the logic on the FS card. DATA
input to R.A.M. No. 1 (U49) in the VLSR that is used in
switch S4 in the input circuit of U1 is set to the 75 or 6K
the parallel sync acquisition function, and as inputs to
(ohms) position as required by the circuit configuration.
U10 in the diagnostic function. Signal SD3 is also
The function of DATA switch S1 is to change the phase
applied as input Bll to the three command code
relationship of the inputs to meet different system
comparators (U14-1), and as an input to data-in flip-flop
equipment configurations.
U61 in the parallel and serial sync acquisition function. In
the following discussions, processing of the incoming
The input timing pulses (TM+ and TM-)
data in the parallel sync acquisition circuits is described,
associated with the input data are conditioned to a TTL
and then processing of data in the serial sync acquisition
logic level in timing receiver U2. The conditioned timing
and sync maintenance circuits is described.
pulses from the circuit are applied through LOOPBACK
switch S3 to clock data flip-flop U4. When switch S3 is
in the NORM position, the incoming data and timing
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