![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3011
The parallel sync control circuits, in turn, generate de-
At this time, enable signal PSC, NSC, or NAC applied
multiplexer frame sync signal DSYNC-, parallel sync
to the selected error counter is also removed.
enable, and one of the enable signals (PSC, NSC, and
NAC). Signal DSYNC-, which lasts one data bit time, is
5-479. Signal DFS indicates that the sync acquisition
generated to initiate demultiplexer timing signals so that
function is complete and the serial sync acquisition and
bit 0 of word 12 in each of the stuff code commands
sync maintenance circuits are performing the frame sync
(DPSC, DNSC, and DNAC) is applied to the FS card at
maintenance function. In the frame sync maintenance
the same time that bit 0 of word 12 in the incoming data
function, bit 0 in words 1 through 23 of each minor
stream (MDS-) occurs. Signal PSC enable, NSC
frame is compared against the same bit in each of the
enable, or NAC enable and the parallel sync enable
three stuff command codes applied from the GC/DM
signals enable the serial sync acquisition function in the
card. The serial overhead message in bit 0 of words 1
serial sync acquisition and sync maintenance circuits.
through 23 of the incoming data (MSD-) is applied to the
Signal DSYNC- is also applied as a reset signal to the
three active code comparator-error detector circuits. At
three bit error counters in the serial sync acquisition and
the same time, one of the three stuff code commands
sync maintenance circuits.
generated in the GC/DM card is applied to each of the
three circuits. When frame synchronization is proper,
5-478. In bit 0 of words 1 through 11, the appropriate
one of the three bit error counters contains an error
stuff code command has been determined and an
count of seven or less and enables a count up output
enable signal has been applied to the appropriate bit
through an OR gate to the error up/down counter. In
error counter. Therefore, when signal DSYNC- is
normal operation, the other two bit error counters
initiated and the timing circuits in the demultiplexer circuit
associated with the two stuff commands not in a given
are synchronous with the incoming data stream, only
overhead message produce a maximum error count
one of the three code comparator-error detectors in the
output. All three bit error counters must contain an error
serial sync acquisition and sync maintenance circuits is
count of eight or more during a given minor frame period
enabled to perform a valid serial compare of bit 0 in
to produce a count down input through the OR gate to
words 12 through 23 (B12 through B23). When proper
the error up/down counter.
The up/down counter
frame synchronization is obtained,
the appropriate
prevents a loss-of-frame status when a limited number of
(positive stuff, negative stuff, or no action) code
overhead data bits is missing or incorrect in the compare
comparator-error detector should detect less than three
function. At the end of each minor frame period, word
errors while monitoring bit 0 in words 12 through 23. If
29 signal W29 resets the bit error counters to a count of
three or more errors are detected, an error reset signal
zero for the next compare function performed in the next
is generated to restart the parallel sync acquisition
minor frame period.
function. When frame synchronization is maintained
through word 23, word 28 signal W28 removes the
5-480. The error up/down counter is initially set to a
parallel sync enable signal and produces demultiplexer
count of five at the end of the sync acquisition phase.
frame sync signal DFS from the control circuits.
The maximum count retained in the counter is a count of
five. When a count up signal is applied to the counter
during word 28 of each minor frame period, the counter
only counts up when it contains a count between one and
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