![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3011
Therefore, a series of less positive (+0.75V) dc control
U26 and is then applied to divide-by-2n counter U32. In
signals is generated from the output of phase detector
switch position A or C, U26 is bypassed and the output
U20. In turn, the signals are applied to the active filter
from U31 is applied directly to U32. The selected output
from U32 has several functions. One output is routed
through inverters U33 and U2-8 as the read clock signals
5-411. The active filter circuit contains a series of
that increment read address counter U21. One output
programmable RC time constant that are associated with
from inverter U33 and U2-10 is applied as the output
operational amplifier U25. A series of more positive
clock signals to clock the data bits (DATOUT and
signals from U20 is processed into a negative-going dc
DATOUT-) through output buffer U1 to the data output
slope voltage that is applied as a control voltage to
drivers circuit. The output clock signals are also applied
voltage-controlled multivibrator (VCM) U31. In turn, a
through three inverters U2 to produce timing output
series of less positive signals from U20 is processed into
signals TIMOUT and TIMOUT to the timing output
a positive-going dc slope voltage that is applied to U31.
drivers circuit. The output applied through inverter U2-10
There are two VCM's in U31. The positions of switches
is applied as output clock signals that clock diagnostic
S24 and S25 determine which VCM is used in a given
flip-flop U36-9. In the overall APLL operation, the
system application. A positive-going dc slope voltage
deletion of an incoming gated clock pulse causes U20 to
causes the output frequency from U31 to increase. A
detect that the pulse transition from the read address
negative-going dc slope voltage causes the output
counter is leading the pulse transition from the write
frequency from U31 to decrease. The output from U31
address counter. The result is that the read clock pulses
is applied through switch S25 to divide-by-16 counter
from the APLL circuit to the read address counter start to
U26 or to divide-by-2 counter U32.
decrease in frequency very slowly, hardly affecting the
overall nominal bit rate. In turn, the addition of a gated
5-412. Six switches are involved in the configuration of
clock pulse causes U20 to detect that the pulse transition
the APLL circuit. Each switch has four positions (A
from the read address counter is lagging the pulse
through D). The switches are as follows: S7 in the input
transition from the write address counter. The result is
circuit of integrator U25; S12 that selects the time
that the read clock pulses from the APLL circuit to the
constant associated with U25; S24 and S25 that select
read address counter start to increase in frequency very
one of the two VCM's (U31) to be activated; S8 that adds
slowly. The functional waveform representation of the
or removes divide-by-16 counter U26 from the
APLL circuit function is shown in figure 5-31.
configuration; and S5 that selects the one output
5-414. Coarse Rate Conversion Circuits. When switch
channel. The frequencies associated with each of the
S3 is in the SB position, a +5-volt enable signal is applied
four switch positions A through D are shown opposite
to one input of AND gate U16-3. This configuration
switch S5 on sheet 3 of the SB card logic diagrams.
allows each gated clock signal DGCXX applied to the SB
card to be routed to the write address counter. When
5-413. Divide-by-16 counter U26 is activated when
switch S3 is in the URD position, a selected number of
switch position B or D is selected for a given circuit
incoming gated clock pulses is inhibited by inhibit signals
configuration. The output from U31 is divided by 16 in
applied from the CRC circuits to AND gate U16-3.
Change 1 5-110
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