![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3011
The 4 bit read addresses that select the locations from
which the data are read out are produced by read
5-410. APLL Circuit. The count 8 output from write
address counter U21. Read address counter U21 is
address counter U18 is inverted and applied as the
incremented by the read clock pulses from the APLL
reference input to pin 1 of phase detector U20. The
circuit. The data pulses from the storage register are
count 8 output from read address counter U21 is applied
serially clocked through data output buffer U1-5 as
directly to pin 3 of phase detector U20 as the variable
complementary outputs DATOUT and DATOUT-
input. Even though the write address count output is
used as the reference input to U20, it will be seen that it
5-409. Data pulses DATOUT and DATOUT are applied
is the overhead function of adding or deleting gated clock
through polarity switch S10 to amplifiers Q2 and Q3 in
pulses at this input to U20 that causes the phase
the data output drivers circuit. Switch S10 provides a
detector function to detect a phase shift. This application
way to change the phase relationship of the two data
causes the phase detector to initiate commands that
pulse outputs with respect to the associated timing
force the read address to follow the pulse changes from
pulses to meet different system configuration
the write address counter. Phase detector U20 monitors
requirements. Transistor is a constant-current source
the negative going transition of each of the two pulses
for amplifiers Q2 and Q3. Amplifiers Q2 and Q3, in turn,
applied to it. When the two count 8 outputs are proper,
drive push-pull emitter followers Q5 through Q8. Setting
there is a difference count of 8 between the two 4-bit
switches S14 and S15 to the balanced (B) position
addresses. Therefore, the count 8 pulse from the write
connects breakdown diodes VR2 and VR3 (3.3 vdc) in
address counter is high when the count 8 pulse from the
parallel with breakdown diodes VR1 and VR4 (6.2 vdc).
read address counter is low. Since the count 8 from the
The breakdown diodes are in the base circuits of the
write address counter is applied through an inverter to
push-pull emitter followers.
In the balanced
U20, both pulses applied to U20 have the same phase
configuration, +3-volt channel data out signals DOXX
and polarity in normal operation. When the two
and DOXX are produced.
In the unbalanced
transitions of the pulses occur at the same time, U20
configuration, switches S14 and S15 are set to the U
determines that they are phase locked and the output
position to remove breakdown diodes VR2 and VR3 from
from U20 returns to a +1.5 volt level. When a gated
the circuits and let breakdown diodes VR1 and VR4
clock pulse to the write address counter is deleted, U20
control the base voltages to the push-pull emitter-
detects that the pulse from the read address counter is
followers. In the unbalanced mode of operation, a +6-
leading in phase the pulse output from the write address
volt signal DOXX is produced. In the unbalanced mode
counter. Therefore, more positive (+2.25V) dc control
of operation, switch S18 grounds the DOXX output.
signals are generated from U20 and are applied to the
Switch S19 provides the appropriate wave-shaping
active filter circuit. The dc control signals are generated
capacitor associated with the three different output
until a phase lock is obtained between the two pulses
conditions: balanced mode of operation or a 75-ohm or
applied to U20. In turn, when an additional gated clock
6K-ohm unbalanced mode of operation. Operation of the
pulse is generated, U20 detects that the pulse from the
timing output drivers circuit and associated switches is
read address counter is lagging the pulse from the write
functionally the same as that of the data output drivers
address counter.
circuit and associated switches discussed previously.
Change 1 5-109
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