![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
5-369. System clock signal Ro from the reference timer
+ 2 bits signal EOS2 for U18-6 in the word 24 detector
card is applied through a series of inverters (U20 and
circuit. Signal EOS2 is also clocked through U18-9 to
U24) to produce system clock signals MRIO and
produce end-of-scan +3 bits signal EOS3. Signal EOS3
MRIO1through MRI08-.
Retriggerable one-shot
from flip-flop U18-9 is buffered through the three U19
multivibrator U12-10 in the system clock activity detector
inverters and inverter U22 to produce end-of-scan 3
circuit is held in conduction by signal Ro. When Ro is
signals MEOS3Nl through MEOS3N4 for the channel
missing, the one-shot multivibrator's duty cycle expires
and its output sets latch U7, which, in turn, generates
loss of timing signal DLOT- that is applied to the display
5-372. Setting the SELF TEST switch on the front panel
card. The latch remains set until reset signal ERST is
to the on (up) position applies self-test signal ST2to the
applied when the DISPLAY RESET switch on the front
card. Signal ST2- inhibits retriggerable multivibrator
panel is pressed.
U12-7 in the word 24 activity detector circuit, which sets
latch U13 so that a high level error signal is applied to
5-370. When word count 23 is applied to AND gate U16-
AND gate U9-8 in the composite error detector circuit.
6 by word count signals MWC0, MWC1, MWC2, and
Retriggerable multivibrator U12-10 in the system clock
MWC4, and end-of-scan signal EOS2 from U23-5 is
activity detector circuit is also inhibited by ST2- so that
applied to clock flip-flop U18-6, the word 24 signal is
latch U7 is set to produce diagnostic loss of timing error
The word 24 signal is buffered and
signal DLOT-. In the self test mode, during word 24, all
distributed through inverters U14 and U19 as word 24
the active inputs to the four multiplexers are low. Signal
signals MW24N1through MW24N4- to the channel
ST2- is applied through the three U11 inverters and the
cards. The output from U18-6 is also applied to AND
gate U21-11, which, in turn, produces signal M24EOS2
switch S1 to place a low level signal on each of the
when end-of-scan signal EOS2 is applied at its other
unused inputs of the two positive stuff multiplexers. This
input from flip-flop U23-5 during word 24. AND gate U16-
configuration ensures a continuous high input to each of
8 also produces a word 24 output when the word 24
the four exclusive OR gates (U8) in the comparator
output from U18-6, EOS3 from U18-7, and Ro are
circuit. Signal ST2- places a high-level signal to one
present. The pulsed output from AND gate U16-8 is
input of exclusive OR gates U8-3 and U8-11. The result
applied to the four U22 inverters to produce word 24 bit 0
is a high-level error signal from J-K flip-flop U15-7 in the
signals MW2401through MW2404-. These signals are
comparator circuit to AND gate U9-8 in the composite
also routed to the channel cards.
error detector circuit. The three high-level inputs to AND
gate U9 result in the generation of low-level OEG card
5-371. End-of-scan signal MEOS is clocked through two
diagnostic signal MTMOG from OR gate U13-4 in the
stages of flip-flop U23 by R to generate end-of-scan
composite error detector circuit. Reset signal ERST is
applied to the card when the SELF TEST switch on the
front panel is set to the off (down) position or the
DISPLAY RESET switch on the front panel is pressed.
Signal ERST resets the two diagnostic latch circuits (U7
and U13) and forces J-K flip-flop U15-7 to reset and
return the diagnostic circuits to their functional no-error
state, assuming that there are no malfunctions on the
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