![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
5-363. The word 24 activity detector monitors the word
DIAGNOSTICS AND OVERHEAD switching capability,
24 output from the word 24 decoder and generates a
an active channel not fitted with a channel card would
word 24 error signal to the composite error detector
yield a high-level error signal, which would be applied to
when either the word 24 decoder or end-of-scan decoder
the channel input of multiplexer U3 to indicate a faulty
signals are missing. The detector can be set or reset by
diagnostic-error condition during the self-test mode.
signal ST2 or ERST as explained in paragraph 5-362.
OVERHEAD switches to the OFF positions for these
5-364. The composite error detector generates OEG
channels prevents an undesirable self-test condition.
card diagnostic signal MTMOG to the display card when
a stuff error or W24 error signal is applied. Once the
5-367. Positive stuff request signals MPSTO1through
error input to the detector is removed, the detector output
MPST15from the active channels in the multiplexer are
returns to its no-error state. The detector circuits can be
applied through the ON positions of the switches (S1) to
set to the error state by self-test signal ST2- as explained
inputs on positive stuff multiplexer No. 1 (U3). Overhead
address count signals MOHO through MOH3 select the
multiplexer channel that is interrogated and multiplexed
into a single positive stuff output data stream as positive
stuff acknowledge signal MPSA. Signal MPSA is routed
to the GC/DM card. The signal is also applied to
In certain unique system configurations, a
exclusive OR gate U8-6 in the diagnostic comparator
channel may possibly be active but not have a channel
circuit. As part of the card diagnostic function performed
card installed. Therefore, the 15 DIAGNOSTICS AND
during word 24, signal MPSA is applied through .inverter
OVERHEAD switches (S1) are provided on the OEG
U7-3 and is routed as signal MPSA to the display card.
card to prevent false channel card diagnostic error
Negative stuff request signals MNSTO1through
signals when the multiplexer is in the self-test mode.
The switch is set to the ON position for each active
multiplexer No. 1 (U5) to generate a single negative stuff
channel that has a channel card installed. In turn, the
output data stream as negative stuff acknowledge signal
switch associated with each active channel not having a
MNSA. Signal MNSA is routed to the GC/DM card.
channel card installed is set to the OFF position.
Settings of switches associated with inactive channels
5-368. Signals MPSA and MNSA are compared in the
may be in the ON or OFF positions, since inactive
diagnostic comparator circuit with their equivalent
channels are not sampled. In the self-test mode, each
diagnostic MPSA and MNSA signals from positive and
channel input to positive stuff multiplexer U3 that has the
negative stuff multiplexers No. 2 (U4 and U6). The
switch in the ON position receives the diagnostic error
compare function is performed by four exclusive OR
status from the associated channel card. Each channel
gates (U8).
When an error condition is detected
card input to multiplexer U3 that has the switch set in the
(mismatch), the exclusive OR gates cause flip-flop U15
OFF position receives a low-level self test signal ST2in
to generate a high-level Q output which, in turn, causes
the self-test mode, and a high-level no-error signal in
OEG card diagnostic signal MTMOG- to be generated
normal operation. A low-level diagnostic signal input to
from OR gate U13-4 in the composite error detector
multiplexer U3 is processed as a no-error condition in the
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