![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
Signal Ro through S6 is applied to the system clock
buffer and to the phase-adjust circuit. The Ro output
5-374. GENERAL. The reference timer card is one of
from the buffer is applied to the data retiming flip-flop,
the common cards used in the multiplexer. The card
system clock activity detector and to the OEG card. The
generates system clock signal Ro that is applied to the
phase adjust circuit contains a factory adjustment (S3)
OEG card, which, in turn, duplicates and distributes the
that phases the timing output signals (TIMOUT and
master clock signal as multiplexer clock signal MRIO to
TIMOUT-) to the serial digital data outputs (SDATAO and
the multiplexer cards. The card accepts the multiplexed
SDATAO-). The data and timing output signals from the
serial digital data (MSD) from the GC/DM card, develops
line switches can be applied to a balanced or unbalanced
the multiplexer timing out signal TIMOUT, and clocks the
When the system is used in a balanced
associated timing data and timing pulses from the card
configuration, the output data and timing line switches
at the selected Ro rate. Timing signals T3600 and
are set so that the two data signals and the two timing
T4800, generated on the card, are routed to the
signals are applied to balanced lines. When the system
transition encoder cards in the multiplexer. The block
is used in an unbalanced configuration, the output data
diagram for the circuits described below are shown in
and timing line switches are set so that the SDATAO and
TIMOUT-signal outputs are inhibited by connecting their
the detailed circuit discussion is contained in the circuit
output pins to ground.
diagrams manual.
5-377. The timing error detectors monitor the TIMOUT
and TIMOUT-output voltages, and detectors generate a
diagnostic error signal to the composite OR gate and
5-376. System clock signal Ro is developed from
latch circuits when a malfunction is detected. The
external multiplexer timing signals (TIMIN) that are
composite OR gate and latch circuits also have error
applied to the line receiver circuits (figure 5-28) or from a
signal inputs from the 3600Hz and 4800-Hz activity
master oscillator on the card. The input to be used for
detectors in the transition encoder timing circuits on the
developing Ro selected by strapping switch S5 to its INT
card. The five diagnostic error inputs are ORed together,
or EXT position. The signals through S5 are applied to
and when any one of the inputs contains an error
the 15-stage binary counter and to the loss-of-timing
condition, the error signal sets the latch circuit to
activity detector. Switch S6 is strapped to position 1
generate reference timer diagnostic signal MRT that is
(output of S5) when the selected Ro is the same
applied to the display card. The loss of-timing activity
frequency as the source frequency. The switch is
detector error output is set when the timing signal
strapped to one of the positions 2 through 16 when the
through S5 is missing. Reset signal ERST resets the
error detection circuits back to their no-error state when
the DISPLAY RESET switch on the front panel is
Diagnostic signals MLOT and MRT are
produced to represent error conditions when the SELF
TEST switch on the front panel is set to the on (up)
position and self test signal ST2is applied to the error
detection circuits.
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