![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
For a no action condition, neither signal MPSA nor
reverse binary code read out of US0 during bit 0 of words
MNSA is generated. Therefore, signals MNSE and
24 through 28 identifies the used port being serviced
MPSE are not generated and signals PSE and NSE are
during the minor frame identified in the frame count
high-level inputs to the C input of address selector U43.
signals at the output of counter US, U6. For example,
minor frame 3 (count 00011 from U5, U6) services port
The absence of word count signal
24 (count 11000 from U50).
WC2429enables the B input of U43 during words 1
through 23. During words 1 through 23, one 3-bit stuff
5-348. Diagnostic Function.
command code is applied through U43 to the data select
inputs of overhead data multiplexer U50. The 2-bit stuff
5-349. Composite Error Detection Circuit. A low-level
code enables the data inputs at pin 6, 7, or 9 so that the
input to any one of the three inputs to OR gate U12-8
appropriate stuff code (NAC, NSC or PSC) is routed
places a high-level signal to the input of error flip-flop U2.
through multiplexer USO0 to input IO of output data
The flip-flop, in turn, produces data mux diagnostic error
multiplexer U57. The 3-bit binary stuff command codes
signal MDM- when the next multiplexer clock signal
that can be applied during words 1 through 23 are shown
MRIO- clocks the flip-flop. Two of the inputs to OR gate
U12 are provided from word 29 activity detector U1-10
and from minor frame activity detector U1-6. Both
5-347. Word count signal WC2429enables the B input of
activity detectors are retriggerable multivibrators that are
U43 during words 24 through 29. Five sequential binary
held in conduction by the word 29 signals (MW29) or
addresses derived from word count signals WC0, WC1,
minor frame signals (MFC1).
When the signal is
and WC2 are applied through the B input of U43 to the
missing, the stage will complete its duty cycle and
data select inputs of overhead data multiplexer U50.
produce a low-level error signal to OR gate U12. The
The WCO, WC1, and WC2 codes applied during words
third input to OR gate U12 is from exclusive OR gate
24 to 29 are 000 (enables pin 1 on U50) through 101
U23-6, which samples signal MSD from the functional
(enables pin 5 on U50). Minor frame count signals
data multiplexer circuit and diagnostic signal MSD from
MFCO through MFC4 from minor frame counter U5, U6
the diagnostic equivalent circuits. When a malfunction
are applied in reverse order to input pins 1 through 5 of
occurs, signals MSD and MSD- will eventually compare
U50. The most significant digit (signal MFC4) is applied
and cause the exclusive OR gate to generate a low-level
to pin 1 (first bit sampled), and the least significant digit
error signal to OR gate U12.
(signal MFCO) is applied to pin 5 (last bit sampled). The
3-Bit Address Code
Signal to Latch U42
to U50 From U43
Stuff Input to U50
MPSA (positive stuff)
Pin 6 (PSC)
MNSA (negative stuff)
Pin 7 (NSC)
Neither (no action)
Pin 9 (NAC)
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