![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
During word 29, the comparator is enabled and output
and one bit from each of the channel data inputs
signal A=B is produced when the incoming channel
(MDT001 through MDT015) applied from the active
address matches the overhead channel address applied
channel cards. The single serial data stream from
to the B input of the comparator. Signal A=B and signal
multiplexer U57 is applied through inverter U13-12 to
MNSE are applied to AND gate U24-12. The output from
reclocking flip-flop U22. Complementary serial data
flip-flop U25 to AND gate U24 is high for one multiplexer
streams MSD and MSD are clocked out of U22 at the
clock time (MRIO). AND gate U24, in turn, generates an
multipliexer clock MRIO rate. Signal MSD is routed to
inhibit to AND gate U16-11 for one clock time. This
the reference timer card and signal MSD is applied to the
condition causes a high-level inhibit signal to 1-of-16
composite error detection function.
decoder U51, U52, preventing one gated clock signal
from being generated for the designated channel
5-345. Overhead data multiplexer U50 combines the
address. Flip-flop U25 is configured so that only one
overhead data inputs for a selected port into the serial
signal A=B can enable AND gate U24-12 in word 29 of a
overhead data format that is applied to one input of
minor frame. Otherwise, other used ports strapped to
output data multiplexer U57 during bit 0 of words 1
the selected active channel could also develop a
through 28 in each minor frame period. The serial
negative stuff condition when the redundant channel
overhead data contains one of the three stuff command
address appears and is compared with the channel
signals (PSC, NSC, and NAC) in bit 0 of words 1
address applied to the B input of channel address
through 23 of each minor frame. Bit 0 of words 24
comparator U47.
through 28 of each minor frame contains the 5-bit binary
code for the port receiving overhead service during a
given minor frame. Positive stuff command signal MPSA
5-343. Data Multiplexer Function.
and negative stuff command signal MNSA from the OEG
card are applied through three AND gates U34 to
5-344. Output data multiplexer U57 combines up to 15
positive stuff latch U42-10 and negative stuff latch U42-
channels of output data (MDT001 through MDT015) from
6. At the end of each minor frame, the selected stuff
the active channels in the multiplexer, together with one
command is clocked into the appropriate latch by minor
overhead data channel input from overhead data
frame transition signal MFT from AND gate U4-3. When
multiplexer U50. Channel addresses GCAD1 through
a positive stuff condition is initiated, latch U42-9
GCAD8 from address selector U53 sequentially select
produces signal MPSE, which is applied to U12-6 (pin 70
the data inputs to output data multiplexer U57. Channel
strapped to pin 89) in the gated clock generation circuits,
addresses GCAD1 through GCAD8 are routed through
and U49-10 produces signal PSE-, which is applied to
delay registers No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 (U49, U55, and
the C input of address selector U43. Initiation of a
U56) to the multiplexer. The three registers provide a
negative stuff generates signal MNSE from latch U42-7,
time delay that is equal to three multiplexer clocks
which is applied to U24-12 (pin 29 strapped to pin 87) in
(MRIO) to compensate for the time delay in the data TTL
the gated clock generation circuits, and U42-6 produces
circuit applications. The channel addresses applied from
signal NSE-, which is applied to the C input of address
U56 to data output multiplexer U57 sequentially select
selector U43.
one overhead data bit from overhead multiplexer U50
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