![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
5-350. Gated Clock Error Generation Circuit. The gated
5-354. In the multiplexer, the OEG card performs three
clock error generation circuit consists of four 8input
functions. First, the OEG card accepts positive and
comparators U45, U38, U46, and U39 that provide four
negative stuffing requests from the active channel cards
A=B outputs to AND gate U9-8, which, in turn, provides a
and then multiplexes the positive stuffing requests into
signal to the input of gated clock error flip-flop U2. When
one positive stuff acknowledge output stream, and the
the 15 gated clock outputs (MGCO1 through MGC15)
negative stuff requests into one negative stuff
from function 1-of-16 decoder U51, U52 compare with
acknowledge output stream. The two serial output
the gated clocks from the diagnostic 1-of-16 decoder
streams are routed to the GC/DM card for overhead
U30, U31, four high-level signals A=B hold AND gate U9-
servicing. During word 24 the positive stuff acknowledge
8 in conduction so that a low-level signal is applied to the
stream contains the diagnostic status for the channel
input of flip-flop U2. When one or more of the functional
cards. This data is routed to the display card as part of
gated clocks in one of the comparators do not compare
the diagnostic function during word 24. Second, system
clock signal R0 from the reference timer card is applied to
with the diagnostic gated clocks, the A=B output goes
the OEG card, which then redistributes the signal as
low and inhibits AND gate U9. In turn, AND gate U9
multiplexer system clock signals MRIO1through MRI08to
places a high to the input of flip-flop U2 so that gated
other cards in the multiplexer. Third, the OEG card
clock error signal MGC is produced the next time signal
generates word 24, word 24 end of scan 2, word 24 bit
MRI0-clocks the flip flop. Both error flip-flops U2-6 and
0, and end-of-scan (EOS) signals by decoding signals
U2-7 can be set to the self-test state by self-test signal
from the word counter and end-of-scan logic. The signals
ST2and can then be reset by signal ERST.
are then routed to the channel cards and to the display
card for timing purposes.
5-355. In the demultiplexer, the negative stuff request
circuits are not used on the OEG card. The positive stuff
5-352. GENERAL.
request lines are used only for the diagnostic data
required for the diagnostic function on the display card.
5-353. The OEG card is one of the common cards. Two
OEG cards are used in the multiplexer set: one in the
multiplexer and one in the demultiplexer. The block
diagram for the circuits described in the block diagram
5-357. In the multiplexer, positive stuff request signals
discussion is shown in figure 5-27. The logic diagram
MPST01through MPST15from the channel cards are
associated with the detailed circuit discussions is
applied through the ON positions of the DIAGNOSTICS
AND OVERHEAD switches to positive stuff multiplexer
No. 1 Negative stuff request signals MNST01through
MNST15are applied to negative stuff multiplexer No. 1.
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