![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
OR gate U12 sets the composite error flip-flop, which
one of the four comparators and one of the four A=B
generates data mux diagnostic error signal MDM to the
inputs to AND gate U9 goes low and sets the gated clock
display card.
Exclusive OR gate U23 effectively
error flip-flop to generate diagnostic gated clock error
compares the MSD output from the functional data
signal MGC that is applied to the display card. The
multiplexer circuits with the MSD output from the
gated clock error flip-flop can be set and reset by signals
diagnostic data multiplexer circuits. The diagnostic data
ST2and ERST as explained in paragraph 5-328.
multiplexer circuits are identical to the functional data
multiplexer circuits and produce identical but
complementary MSD and MSD signals. Therefore, in
normal operation, MSD and MSD are complementary to
5-331. Format Generation Function.
each other and make exclusive OR gate U23 produce a
high-level (no error) signal to OR gate U12. If one of the
5-332. The word counter, consisting of flip-flop U5 and
two inputs to the exclusive OR gate malfunctions,
binary counter U14, is incremented by end-of-scan signal
exclusive OR gate U23 produces a low-level error signal
MEOS2B to produce 5-bit binary word counts WCO
so that signal MDM is generated. Self-test signal
through WC4 that address read only memory (ROM)
ST2sets the composite error flip-flop for an error
U20. The word counter counts sequentially until it is
indication when the SELF TEST switch on the front panel
reset by word count 29 from flip-flop U3-7 in the words
is set to the on (up) position. Error reset signal ERST
28/29 generator. In the multiplexer function, preset
resets the flip-flop when the SELF TEST switch on the
inputs P1 and P2 on binary counter U14 are set to 00 by
front panel is set to the off (down) position or the
the application of signal M+5R through inverter U15.
DISPLAY RESET switch on the front panel is pressed.
This configuration I)resets the word counter to a count of
1 after word 29. In the demultiplexer function, word
5-329. Gated Clock Error Detection Circuits (Figure
counter preset signal DWPR is applied one time to
inverter U15 when synchronization is initially obtained in
sample gated clock signals MGCO1 through MGC15 (A
the frame sync card. Signal DWPR sets the P1 and P2
input) from the gated clock generation function against
inputs on binary counter U14 to 11 and also applies a
the same signals (B input) generated by the diagnostic
preset signal through OR gate U4, and inverter U13,
gated clock generation circuits. The diagnostic gated
presetting the counter to a count of 12. After initial reset
clock generation circuits are identical to the functional
in the demultiplexer function, the word counter is preset
circuits and produce gated clock signals that normally
to a count of 1.
are identical to those produced by the functional circuits.
When a malfunction occurs, a mismatch is detected by
5-333. The ROM is programmed to generate six outputs
that are selected by 5-bit word count signals WCO
through WC4 applied from the word counter. As shown
in table 5-5, the ROM outputs are two identical sets of
the three stuffing codes (PSC, NSC, NAC for the
functional circuits and PSCD, NSCD, NACD for the
diagnostic circuits).
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