![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
the high-level signal from the exclusive OR gate is
features in the output data pulse circuits.
applied through inverter U37-2 as a low-level error signal
to the card error detector.
5-244. The enable activity detector is a one-shot
multivibrator (U8-6) that is held in conduction by the A=B
5-242. Data transition detector No. 2 (U6-6), first half
enable signals from J-K flip-flop U14-6. When the
detector No. 2 (U6-9), and 2-bit shift register No. 2 (U7-6
enable signals are missing, the multivibrator completes
and U7-10) duplicate the transition encoder functional
its duty cycle and applies an error signal to the card error
circuits and produce 3-bit coded outputs from OR gate
U25-6 that are identical to the 3-bit coded outputs from
OR gate U25-8. The data pulses are applied through
TE/TR switch S1 and exclusive OR gate U15-11 to data
buffer U9-10. The data pulses are clocked out of the
5-246. GENERAL. The VE card is the channel option
data buffer by its associated timing to exclusive OR gate
card that services one incoming voice channel. The VE
U15-8 in the data comparator circuit, AND gate U21-11,
card receives the voice signals and encodes the signals
and J-K flip-flop U23-10. The output data pulses from
into synchronous digital data that are eventually
output data buffer U23-7 are also applied to one input of
multiplexed into the multiplexer's serial digital data
exclusive OR gate U15-8. And gate U21-11 receives an
enable signal to pin 12 when the addresses for the two
data inputs to the OR gate are the same as described in
5-247. BLOCK DIAGRAM DISCUSSION (Figure 5-20).
together with AND gate U21-11 perform random
5-248. The incoming voice signals (DIXX) are applied
samples of one set of data bits at a time. When the two
through a bandpass filter circuit to filter out the out-of-
data bits applied to exclusive OR gate U15-8 are not
band signals that could affect the encoder circuits.
alike for a matched set of addresses, a low-level error
Filtering is accomplished by the attenuation of all signals
signal is applied from AND gate U21-11 to J-K flip-flop
below 140 Hz and above 5.0 kHz by at least 3 dB. The
U23, which, in turn, produces an error signal to card
filtered signals from the bandpass filter are one of two
error detector U17.
signal voltages applied to a voltage comparator.
Reconstructed analog signals from an integrator are the
5-243. Address comparator U32 produces an A=B
other voltages applied to the comparator.
output to J-K flip-flop U44-10 in the data compare enable
circuit when the write address and read address are the
5-249. In normal operation, the encoder circuits try to
same. The A=B signal is clocked from U44-10 and is
make the reconstructed analog signals duplicate the
applied to J-K flip- flop U14-10 by gated clock signal
incoming filtered audio signal. Since exact duplication is
MGCXX from the GC/DM card. The A=B signal is then
never achieved, the comparator produces a continuous
clocked through J-K flip-flops U14-10 and U14-6 by
error (delta) output signal, which, in turn, manipulates the
system clock MRIOXX and is applied as an enable signal
generation of the reconstructed analog signals and the
to AND gate U21-11. The two-clock delay provided by
the flip-flop circuits compensates for delay due to design
Change 2 5-61
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