![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
During the next TE timing signal, the output from J-K flip-
flop U13-10 enables AND gate U19-11 to develop bit 3.
When the transition is a positive-going signal, the output
5-231. Transition Encoder Function.
from J-k flip-flop U13-10 is positive, and therefore the
output from AND gate U19-11 is low for a positive-going
5-232. Divide-by-N counter No. 1, U30, is a 4-bit binary
transition or is high for a negative-going transition. The
counter. The divide- by-4, -8, and -16 outputs of the
bits 1, 2, and 3 pulses are applied sequentially in time
counter produce the 225-Hz, 450-Hz, and 900-Hz
through OR gate U25-8 to the TE position of TE/TR
outputs that are applied to switch positions 75, 150, and
switch S2.
300 of TE range switch S5. The divide-by-4, -8, and -16
outputs of divide-by-N counter No. 2, U31, produce the
5-233. Timing Recovery Function.
300-Hz, 600-Hz, and 1200-Hz outputs that are applied to
switch positions 100, 200, and 400 of TE range switch
5-234. The conditioned data pulses from data receiver
S5. The selected timing signals applied through switch
U36-1 are applied to one-shot multivibrators U2-7 and
S5 are applied as TE timing signals, which are actually
U2-9. A positive-going or negative- going pulse applied
three times the desired data bit rate, to data sample flip-
to the two multi-vibrators triggers one of them into
flop U12. The conditioned data pulses from data
conduction for approximately 100 nanoseconds to
receiver U36-1 are applied to exclusive OR gate U18 and
develop a negative pulse that is applied through OR gate
J-K flip-flop U12-6. When a transition of a data pulse
U21-3 and inverter U3-2 as a reset signal to the 2
occurs, the output of exclusive OR gate U18-8 goes
counter stages.
The 9.8304-MHz timing signals
high. If the transition occurs during the first half of the
developed by crystal controlled oscillator Q1 are applied
TE timing signal, a high-level signal is clocked through
through amplifier Q3 to the clock inputs of binary
U1-10 to U1-6. If the transition occurs during the second
counters U4, U5, and U1l in the 2 counter circuit. The
half of the TE timing signal, the appropriate high- level or
divided down count from binary counter U4 (614.4 kHz)
low-level signal is clocked through J-K flip-flop U12-6.
is applied to binary counters U5 and U11 that provide the
This condition places matching input levels to exclusive
eight selectable outputs shown in figure 5-17. The
OR gate U18-8, resulting in a continued low-level signal
frequency range selected by TR range switch S9 is
being applied to J-K flip-flop U1-10. When J-K flip- flop
applied to binary counter U10. The divide-by-16 output
U12-6 is clocked, exclusive OR gate U18-11 has a high
of binary counter U10 is applied to J-K flip-flop U29,
output for one TE timing pulse, until J-K flip-flop U12-10
whose output completes a divide by 32 of the signals
is clocked by the next TE timing signal. The high-level
applied through switch S9. The counters continuously
bit 1 pulse from exclusive OR gate U18-11 is applied to
count and produce a timing signal, at the selected
J-K flip-flop U13-6 in the 2-bit shift register. The next TE
frequency range, between 75 bps and 9600 bps. Each
timing signal clocks the pulse through J-K flip- flop U13-6
time the transition detector generates a reset signal to
to enable AND gate U19-8 so that bit 2 from J-K flip-flop
the counters, and the timing pulse from J-K flip-flop U29-
U1-6 is applied to OR gate U25-8. If the data pulse
lb is
transition occurred during the first half of the TE timing
signal, the output from the AND gate is a low-level pulse.
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