![]() T.O. 31W-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3011
overhead message contain one of the three fixed stuff
removed. This causes the channel data output shift
command codes, the first 11 bits are predictable and
register on the FS card and the error rate detector
can be identified. When the first 11 bits of one of the
circuits on the ERD card to be inhibited. At the same
three stuff command codes is identified, demultiplexer
time, removal of signal DFS also enables the parallel
frame sync signal DSYNC- is generated and applied as
sync acquisition circuits to start another initial frame
an enable signal to the serial sync
and sync
synchronization search. Assuming that the equipment
maintenance circuits. Signal DSYNC- is also applied to
and incoming signals are not in a permanent error
the seq card to synchronize the channel address
condition, signal DFS will again be generated and
generation circuits with the incoming data timing. The
maintained as long as a synchronous timing condition is
serial sync and sync maintenance circuits then monitor
present. The serial sync and sync maintenance circuits
overhead bits 12 through 23 in the overhead message
also generate demultiplexer overhead data signals DOD-
during the same minor frame in which bits 1 through 11
(bit 0 of each word) that are applied to the ERD card.
were identified. When overhead bits 12 through 23 are
As part of the sync maintenance function, the incoming
successfully identified as part of a given stuff command
stuff command code is decoded, and negative stuff
code, frame synchronization is effectively completed. At
enable signal DNSE or positive stuff enable signal
the time that signal DSYNC is applied, the serial sync
DPSE is produced. The absence of both signals during
and sync maintenance circuits produce demultiplexer
a minor frame period indicates the presence of the no-
word counter preset signal DWPR that is applied to the
action condition. These signals are applied to the
GC/DM card to synchronize the gated clock generation
GC/DM and ERD cards to initiate the appropriate
circuits with the incoming data timing.
stuffing action. Word 29 signal DW29 and end-of-scan
signals DEOS2 and DEOS2- are applied as part of the
5-112. Once frame synchronization is
demultiplexer timing function.
demultiplexer frame sync signal DFS is generated and
applied as an enable signal to the channel data output
shift register and to the error rate detector circuits on the
ERD card. Signal DFS is also applied to the parallel
5-114. The seq card generates the channel address,
sync acquisition circuits as an inhibit signal that prevents
end-of-scan, and overhead DMF=PS signals that are
the circuits from being enabled again until frame
applied to the GC/DM card for timing purposes. The
synchronization is lost.
initial frame
synchronization, the serial sync and sync maintenance
the card are set to the same switching configuration as
circuits continue to check that one of the three stuff
that used on the seq card in the far-end multiplexer.
code patterns generated (during words 1 through 23) by
End-of-scan timing signals generated on the seq card
the stuff code generation circuits on the GC/DM card is
are also applied to the ERD and OEG cards.
the same as the stuff code pattern contained in the
incoming data overhead message format. When the
5-115. The channel address generation circuits on the
incoming pattern does not match one of the three
seq card generate 4-bit binary channel address signals
patterns from the GC/DM card,
an out-of-
DCHAD1 through DCHAD8. These signals, which are
synchronization state is identified and signal DFS is
generated at the system clock rate
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