![]() T.O. 31W-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3011
timing signal Ro and multiplexer timing out signals
TIMOUT and TIMOUT- are generated by the output
timing line driver. These timing signals are derived from
5-109. The FS card buffers the incoming high-speed
an external timing reference source that is applied
digital data and distributes the incoming data to all the
through the EXT position of the EXT/INT switch, or from
channel cards in the demultiplexer.
a precision master oscillator on the RT card through the
synchronization function and an
overhead decode
INT position of the EXT/INT switch. In a balanced line
function are also performed on the FS card. The frame
configuration, the timing signals are transmitted as
synchronization function synchronizes the demultiplexer
complementary signals TIMOUT and TIMOUT-. In the
timing generation circuits to the timing associated with
unbalanced configuration, signal TIMOUT- is terminated
the incoming data. The overhead decode function
(grounded). The output timing line driver also generates
decodes one of the three stuff codes that are in the
system clock signal Ro that is identical to the TIMOUT
overhead message during each minor frame period.
signal. Signal is applied to the OEG card.
5-110. The incoming high-speed digital data stream
5-105. The timing recovery (TR) timing generation
(DATA) is applied to the data receiver circuits where the
circuits produce precision 3600-Hz and 4800-Hz timing
data are conditioned into the TTL levels that are
signals that are applied as timing signals T3600 and
compatible with the logic circuits in the demultiplexer.
T4800 to the TE/TR cards in the multiplexer.
The data for the data receiver are applied to the
channel data output shift register,
parallel sync
acquisition circuits, and
serial sync and sync
maintenance circuits. The data are clocked through the
channel data output shift register by system input clock
5-107. GENERAL. A demultiplexer configuration uses
signals RIO from the timing receiver circuits. The shift
between one and 15 channel option cards to process up
register output is inhibited by the absence of frame sync
to 15 channels of asynchronous digital data (with or
signal DFS from the serial sync and sync, maintenance
without timing) and/or voice data outputs to associated
circuits when frame synchronization is lost. In normal
communications links. The four types of output channel
operation, demultiplexer input data signals (DTIX-)
cards that can be used in the demultiplexer are the SB,
clocked through the shift register are routed to each
NBSB, TD, and VD cards. Five common cards used in
channel card in the demultiplexer,
the demultiplexer generate the
timing and control
signals for demultiplexing the applied high-speed serial
5-111. The parallel sync acquisition circuits establish
data stream from the far-end multiplexer. The OEG,
the initial synchronization of the demultiplexer timing
GC/DM, seq, FS, and ERD cards are the common cards
with she incoming data timing. The circuits search the
in the demultiplexer. The overall demultiplexer block
applied data for the first 11 bits of the overhead
diagram is shown in figure FO-2.
message located in bit 0 of the first 11 words. Since the
first 23 bits of the
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