![]() T.O. 31W-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3011
serviced, are generated and applied to the select inputs
5-101. The output data multiplexer interleaves, one bit
on the output data multiplexer. Each used port in an
at a time, the data inputs from each of the active
active channel in the multiplexer receives one gated
channels and the overhead data input
from the
clock signal that gates one data bit to the GC/DM card
overhead data multiplexer. The high-speed serial data
during each word time; the exception is during word 29
stream (MSD) from the multiplexer is applied to the RT
when overhead servicing is performed. When positive
card. The 4-bit binary channel address signals GCAD1
stuff enable signal MPSE is applied to the circuits during
through GCAD8 select the appropriate overhead or data
word 29, one additional gated clock signal is generated
channel input to the multiplexer at the system clock rate
to the active channel selected for overhead servicing. In
MRIO. The channel address applied to the multiplexer
turn, when negative stuff enable signal MNSE is applied,
is the same channel address in the gated clock signal
one gated clock signal, which is normally applied to the
that is generated at any given time. For example,
selected active channel, is deleted as part of the
channel 2 is receiving a gated clock signal MGC02 at
overhead service function.
the same time that the channel address signal for
channel 1 is applied to the multiplexer. The high-speed
5-100. The overhead data multiplexer combines the
serial data stream is clocked out of the multiplexer by
overhead data inputs for a given port selected for
system clock signal MRIO.
overhead servicing into a serial format. The serial
overhead data are clocked into the output data
multiplexer during bit 0 of each data word period. Words
24 through 29 signal MWC2429-enables minor frame
5-103. The RT card produces system clock signal Ro
count signals MMFCO through MMFC4 to be applied,
and timing signals T3600 and T4800 used in the
one bit at a time, to the overhead data multiplexer.
multiplexer cards. The high-speed serial data stream
Word count signals WCO, WC1, and WC2 sequentially
(MSD) from the GC/DM card is conditioned in the RT
clock the five minor word count signals into the output
card and is then applied, with associated timing signals,
data multiplexer. The appropriate 23-bit stuff code
to the rear panel, where the signals are fed into a
clocked into the overhead data multiplexer during words
balanced or unbalanced cable system.
1 through 23 is selected by positive stuff request signal
MPSA or negative stuff request signal MNSA from the
5-104. The high-speed serial digital data stream from
OEG card. The absence of both signals from the OEG
the GC/DM card is clocked into the output data line
card enables the no-action code. When signal MPSA is
driver by system timing signal Ro. The digital data are
applied to the multiplexer, positive stuff enable signal
conditioned into digital signals that can be applied to a
MPSE is generated and applied to the gated clock
balanced line or an unbalanced line input. In a balanced
generation circuits. When signal MNSA is applied to the
line configuration,
the output data signals are
multiplexer, a negative stuff enable signal is generated
transmitted as complementary serial data out signals
and applied to the gated clock generation circuits. The
In the unbalanced line
output from the overhead data multiplexer is the serial
configuration, signal SDATO-is terminated (grounded).
29-bit overhead message that is applied to the output
data multiplexer during bit 0 of words 1 through 29.
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