![]() T.O. 31W-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3011
5-92. The word 24 generation circuits generate word
generate word 27 signal W27, word 28 signal MW28,
24 bit 0 signal MW240X and word 24 signal MW24NX
and words 24 through 29 signal MWC2429 that are used
when the word count in signals WCO through WC4 from
for timing purposes on the card. Word 28 signal MW28
the GC/DM card contains a count of 24 and multiplexer
is routed to the seq card as a control signal.
clock signal MRIO occurs. The word 24 signals are
applied to the channel cards to initiate the overhead
5-97. The stuff code generation circuits generate three
service function as described in the RCB card
different 23-bit stuff command codes: the positive stuff
discussion. The end-of-scan generation circuits produce
code (PSC), the negative stuff code (NSC), and the no
end-of-scan signal EOS2 to the word 24 generation
action code (NAC). All three codes are generated at the
circuits when end of-scan signal MEOS is applied from
same time, during word counts 1 through 23, and are
the seq card. At the same time, the circuits also
applied to the overhead data multiplexer.
generate end-of-scan signal MEOS3NX that is applied to
the RCB cards in the multiplexer.
5-98. The minor frame generation circuits produce
5-93. The system clock distribution circuits receive
minor frame count signals MMFCO through MMFC4 that
system clock signal from the RT card and, in turn,
sequentially count minor frames 1 through 31. These
generate the multiplexer clock signals MRIO1- through
signals are applied to the overhead data multiplexer and
MRI08-. These signals are distributed to the channel
to the seq card. During minor frame count 31, minor
cards as timing signals. System clock signal MRIO that
frame terminal count signal MMFC31 is generated and
is applied to the GC/DM card is identical to system clock
applied to the channel cards that use the RCB card.
signals MRIO1- through MRI08-.
Signal MMFC31 represents one major frame period.
The minor frame count is advanced one count each time
end-of-scan signal MEOS2B- from the seq card and
word 29 signal W29 from the word generation circuits
5-95. The GC/DM card receives and combines the
channel data from the active channel cards into one
5-99. The gated clock generation circuits generate
serial data stream that is applied to the RT card. Control
gated clock signals (MGCO1 through MGC15) as
and timing signals used in the multiplexer function are
required to service the active channel cards. One gated
also generated on the card as described below.
clock signal is generated for each active channel. For
example, a multiplexer with 10 active channels uses
5-96. The word generation circuits generate word
gated clock signals MGCO1 (channel 1) through MGC10
count signals WCO through WC4 to provide 5-bit
(channel 10). Each gated clock signal applied to an
sequential word counts 1 through 29. The signals are
active channel gates one channel data bit to the output
applied to the stuff code generation circuits. Word count
data multiplexer on the card. At the same time that a
signals WCO, WC1, and WC2 are applied to the
gated clock signal is generated, 4-bit binary channel
overhead data multiplexer, and word count signals
address signals GCAD1 through GCAD8, which contain
WCO, WC1, WC2, and WC4 are applied to the OEG
the same address as the active channel being
Change 1 5-24
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