![]() T.O. 31W-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3011
5-83. In normal operation, an analog error voltage,
the GC/DM card causes one gated clock signal to be
which continually varies in amplitude and polarity, is
generated to the channel card contained in the channel
generated from the voltage comparator. The error
voltage is translated into digital data in the digital sample
and control circuits. The digital data from the digital
5-88. The end-of-scan generator circuits generate
sample and control circuits are applied to the data output
end-of-scan signal MEOS, which is applied to the OEG
buffer and to the D/A conversion circuits. The data from
card when the port count in the sequencer timing circuits
the data output buffer are clocked to the GC/DM card by
is equal to the maximum number of used ports selected
multiplexer clock signal MRI02-.
by the PORTS IN USE switches. End-of-scan signals
MEOS2B and MEOS2B- are derived from signal MEOS
5-84. The digital data applied to the D/A conversion
and applied to the GC/DM card. The end-of-scan signals
circuits are converted from digital to analog voltages that
effectively represent one word period.
are representative of the incoming voice signals. The
reconstructed signal voltages from the D/A conversion
5-89. The overhead port sequence selector circuit
circuits are identical to the voltage waveforms that will
produces minor frame equals port sequence signal
be decoded in the far-end demultiplexer. A slope control
MMF=PS, which is applied to the GC/DM card. The
signal from the digital sample and control circuits
signal is generated during each minor frame period that
effectively speeds up the D/A conversion circuits to track
is eligible to provide overhead service to an as-
and convert the higher frequency and/or higher
signed used port.
amplitude segments of the voice signals with a minimum
amount of distortion.
5-91. The OEG card generates negative and positive
5-86. The seq card generates the channel address,
stuff request signals, as well as timing signals used by
end-of-scan, and overhead MMF=PS signals that are
other cards in the multiplexer. Negative and positive
applied to the GC/DM card for timing purposes. The
stuff request signals MPSTOX and MNSTOX are applied
PORT STRAPPING switches on the card are manually
to the OEG card from the active channels that use the
set to select up to 15 active channels and up to 31 used
RCB card or the TE/TR channel card. Each channel
ports. The PORTS IN USE switches on the card are set
card input to the OEG card is interrogated for a stuff
to indicate the maximum number of used ports in a given
request as selected by the overhead address count
system configuration. End-of-scan timing signals are
signals MOHO through MOH3. The overhead count
generated on the card and applied to the GC/DM card
address signals are applied to the address select inputs
and the OEG card.
on the stuff request multiplexers. When the selected
channel has a positive or negative stuff request, a
5-87. The channel address generation circuits on the
positive stuff request signal MPSA- or a negative stuff
seq card generate 4-bit binary channel address signals
request signal MNSA- is applied back to the GC/DM
MCHAD1 through MCHAD8. These signals, which are
generated at the system clock rate (MRIO), are routed to
the GC/DM card. Each 4-bit channel address applied to
Change 1 5-23
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