![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3011
ppm of the incoming data rate, a channel sampling rate
precision multiplexer channel sampling rate (KRp)
that is higher than the incoming data rate is selected. In
applied to the channel. During word 24, the rate
this configuration, the RCB/URC switch on the card is set
comparison function is initiated by word 24 bit 0 signal
to the URC position to place the coarse rate conversion
MW2401 from the OEG card. At this time, the rate
circuits in series with the applied gated clocks. The
compare circuits effectively subtract the count in the
coarse rate conversion circuits are configured to delete a
write address from the count in the read address. In
predetermined number of gated clock signals and
normal operation, there is a predetermined difference
effectively lower the channel sampling rate to within +250
count between the two addresses. When the difference
ppm of the incoming data rate. The word 24 signal
count from a rate compare is the predetermined figure, a
MW24N1, end-of-scan signal MEOS3NX, and minor
no action request is generated. When the incoming bit
frame terminal count signal MMFC31 are timing signals
rate increases, the difference count indicates that the
that control the selection of the individual gated clock
write address is greater than the read address. At this
pulses that are deleted, inhibit the coarse rate conversion
time, a positive stuff request is generated and applied to
circuits during word 29 when overhead servicing is
the OEG card. As a result, an additional gated clock
performed, and preset the circuits after each major
pulse applied to the RCB card effectively helps the read
frame period. The coarse rate conversion circuits are
address counter to catch up. When the difference count
independent of the positive and negative stuff function
indicates that the incoming bit rate has decreased, the
performed in the rate conversion buffer circuits as
write address is less than the read address and a
described in paragraph 5-74. Fixed amounts of gated
negative stuff request is generated. The result is that one
clock pulses are deleted by the coarse rate conversion
normal gated clock pulse to the RCB card is deleted,
circuits during each major frame period.
which effectively slows down the channel sampling rate
of the read address counter. The stuffing action for
either the positive or negative stuff condition continues
as long as the rate compare circuits determine that the
incoming bit rate and the channel sampling rate are not
The TE/TR card processes digital data that are
nominally the same. Each used port assigned to a given
applied to the multiplexer without timing. The circuits on
channel is eligible to receive overhead servicing during
the card are divided into three functional circuits: the
one minor frame in each minor frame period.
transition encoder circuits that receive and process
digital data whose bit rate is 400 bps or less; the timing
5-75. Initially, when an RCB card is configured for a
recovery circuits that receive and process digital data
data channel and the applied data rate to the card is the
whose bit rate is 75, 100, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 4800, or
same (within +250 ppm) as the channel sampling rate
applied to the card, the RCB/URC switch on the card is
9600 bps; and the rate comparison buffer (RCB) circuits
set to the RCB position. With the switch in the RCB
that receive the data from the transition encoder or the
position, the circuits on the card function as described
timing recovery circuits and resynchronize the data bits
above. When the channel sampling rate for a channel
with the multiplexer timing as described in the RCB card
Change 1 5-21
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