![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3011
address to the OEG card, the negative stuff request
demultiplexer transmission link may be subject to data
signal is applied back to the GC/DM card. As a result,
errors induced by atmospheric fading, lightning hits, or
one normal gated clock signal GC03 is deleted during
other such phenomena.
word 29 in one preselected minor frame.
5-59. Frame acquisition and maintenance by the
5-54. Each additional gated clock signal generated as
demultiplexer is accomplished by the use of the 23-bit
a result of a positive stuff request occurs during bit 0 in a
stuff code pattern inserted in the overhead word of the
given word as shown in D of figure 5-6. Each gated
multiplexer's output (paragraph 5-13). As discussed in
clock that is deleted as a result of a negative stuff
request occurs in the first bit time assigned to the given
multiplexer contains one of three stuffing codes in the
channel as shown in E of figure 5-6. In a no-action
first 23 bit positions of the 29-bit overhead word. The
condition, the channel continues to receive one gated
demultiplexer is designed to recognize any of the three
clock in each word period for each used port assigned to
codes and to synchronize its timing circuits with the
the channel.
received code. Within prescribed limits, received codes
may contain errors not present when the code was
transmitted by the multiplexer.
5-56. Two functions are considered unique to the
5-60. The demultiplexer frame synchronization circuits
AN/GSC-24(V) demultiplexer.
One is the frame
operate in two modes: frame acquisition and frame
maintenance. When the demultiplexer first receives data
demultiplexer to acquire and maintain frame
from the transmitting multiplexer, the frame acquisition
synchronization with the transmitting multiplexer. Such
mode is automatically selected. Once initial frame
synchronization is accomplished in relatively severe error
acquisition is accomplished within prescribed error
environments. The second function is commonly termed
limitations, the frame synchronization circuits switch to a
smoothing, and is associated with the demultiplexer's
frame maintenance mode. The circuits remain in this
ability to compensate for stuffing operations performed
mode until the number of received errors exceeds a
by the multiplexer without inducing unacceptable
second set of prescribed limits or until the demultiplexer
perturbations in the demultiplexer channel timing
data input is otherwise interrupted. Figure 5-8 depicts a
outputs. The frame synchronization and smoothing
simplified block diagram of the demultiplexer frame
functions are conceptually introduced in paragraphs 5-57
synchronization function.
5-61. In the frame acquisition mode, serial data
entering the demultiplexer are routed to a variable length
shift register (VLSR) whose length is controlled by port
5-58. The demultiplexer uses a frame synchronization
strapping assignments in the demultiplexer common
technique that enables acquisition and maintenance of
electronics section. The varying of shift register length is
frame synchronization in the presence of errors in the
set to correspond to the variable length data word
received synchronization pattern. Such an arrangement
transmitted by
ensures a high degree of bit count integrity in situations
Change 1 5-16
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