![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
the DEMULTIPLEXER row. If Rc is less than KRp (RC <
bits the demultiplexer can process is
KRp), set S3 to the URD position and perform steps 14
868. If the computed quantity of fill bits
through 16.
exceeds this value, a check for
computational errors is suggested. A
correctly computed fill bit value greater
than 868 is indicative of incorrect
configuration data on the worksheet.
In cases where Rc < KRp, coarse rate
conversion of KRp to Rc must be
15. Refer to table 3-3 and locate the fill bit quantity
performed by the demultiplexer. To
computed in step 14. Enter the 10-digit binary number
enable this conversion, a fill bit value
associated with this quantity in the RATE CONVERSION
must be computed and set into the
DATA block on sheet 3 of the worksheets.
NBSB by 10-position switch S2.
14. Determine the quantity of fill bits required, using the
In step 16, ensure that the 10-digit
number is inserted properly and the 0
Fill bits = 899K (1 - Rc--)
and 9 positions are not inadvertently
Removal of all switch
jumpers prior to starting the number
entry process is suggested.
K = quantity of ports assigned to the channel (from
16. Set 10-digit S2 on the NBSB card to reflect the 10-
digit binary number entered on the worksheet. This
completes the NBSB card setup process.
Rc = channel data rate (from worksheet)
17. Install the NBSB card in its appropriate slot (1
Rp = port rate (from worksheet)
through 15) in the DEMULTIPLEXER row.
3-82. VD CARD (P/N 61864140). No setup of the VD
card is required. Install a VD card in the appropriate slot
in the DEMULTIPLEXER row indicated on the
To ensure a proper computation of fill
bit quantity, the value of 1 - Rc/KRp
3-83. TD CARD (P/N 61864130). Set up the TD card as
must be determined to seven decimal
follows (refer to figure 3-19 for all switch locations):
places. Overall fill bit quantity, when
computed, should be rounded to the
1. Set S1 to the ON position.
nearest whole number; i.e., 316.7 is
rounded to 317, etc. The largest
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