![]() T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
107) to go high and FSDR-N to go low.
INFIBUS access is gained. With DRDB-N,
FSDS-P activates G40 which activates G38,
RDNB-P, VADB-P, and HTDB-P low, the
enabling G39. CFlA-P activates G39,
data determined by the data switches is
generating the third OFDN-N pulse. The
strobed to the INFIBUS when INFIBUS ac-
output of G40 is inverted by I15, generating
cess is gained. This action causes the
data displayed to be written into the ad-
the second OFWl-P pulse which resets
FFl and FF2. FSDR-N activates G29, G42,
dress displayed. FWRS-P is routed to gate
and G46. The output of G46 goes low and
G19 which is permanently disabled by in-
verter I12. FWRS-P also enables gate G26
is routed to the Program Maintenance Panel
switch flip-flops and single action dis-
which is activated by CFOA-P when FSAS-P
criminator circuit. The output of G42 goes
is high. The output of G26 ensures FF12 is
low which clears FF5. When DONE-N or
set and clears FF13. However, because
QUIT-N was received FDNS-P went high,
G19 is disabled no further action occurs.
enabling G30. The output of G29 (high)
5 - 7 0 9 . When the address read switch on
also enables G30. CFIA-P activates G30
the Program Maintenance Panel is touched,
causing IFAD-N to go low which sets FF10.
operation is similar to when the halt switch
The output of FF10 is inverted by Ill which
is touched, except FRDR-N goes low and
causes the done LED (CR57) to light. FF10
FRDS-P goes high. When FRDR-N goes low
remains set until another master reset
G54 is activated which activates G55. The
pulse, MRES-N, is received or until FSBS-P
output of G55 is inverted by I23 which en-
is generated again which will only occur
ables G56. When FWlS-P (waveform L,
with another switch closure on the Program
figure 108) goes high, G56 is activated
Maintenance Panel switch flip-flops and
causing ARAB-P to go high. With ARAB-P
single action discriminator circuit.. The
and CRAB-N high the address determined
next positive going edge out of I3 triggers
by the address switches is strobed to the
state generator U34, causing FSDS-P to go
INFIBUS address lines when INFIBUS ac-
Pow and FSDR-N to go high. Because state
cess is gained. With RNDB-P, VADB-P,
generator U34 is in its quiescent state (all
and HTDB-P low and DRDB-N high, no
outputs Pow) all operations in the Program
information (zero address) is strobed to
Maintenance Panel state generation and
FIBUS data lines when INFIBUS ac-
micro operations circuit cease until OSTS-P
ccss IS gained and the device addressed
is generated by another switch closure in
(slave) places its data on the INFIBUS
the Program Maintenance Panel switch
data lines. This data is displayed by the
flip-flops and single action discriminator
circuit, an address halt is required, or an
data 0 through 15 LEDS in the Program
address recognition occurs.
5-708. When the address write switch on
the Program Maintenance Panel switch
flip-flops and single action discriminator
is touched, operation is the same as when
the halt switch is touched, except FWRR-N
goes low and FWRS-P goes high. When
FWRR-N goes low, gates G53 and G54 are
activated. The output of G54 activates
gate G55. The output of G55 is inverted
by inverter I23 which enables gate G56.
The output of G53 enables gate G52. When
FW1S-P goes high, G52 and G56 are acti-
vated causing DRDB-N to go low and
ARAB-P to go hi
With ARAB-P and
CRAB-N high, t address determined
by the address switches is strobed to
US address lines when
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