![]() T.O. 31S5-4-308-1
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
triggers state generator U34 causing
FSAS-P to go h i g h a n d F S A T - N t o g o l o w .
When FSAS-P goes high, G7 is acti-
vaated which resets FF4. FSAS-P also
clears FF11 if it was set. FSAT-N
causes FSHR-N to go low for 10.25
usec to allow for possible address regis-
ter incrementation The second posi-
tive going edge out of I3, triggers state
generator U34 a second time causing
FSAS-P to go low and FSAT-N to go high.
When FSHR-N goes high, FF3 is set
activating G4 which activates G5. The
next positive going edge out of I3
triggers state generator U34 causing
FSRS-P to go high and FSBR-N to go
l o w . The output of I2, FSBR-N, pre-
sets FF5 which disables G5. The
second positive going edge out of I3,
after FSHR-D: goes low, triggers state
generator U34 causing FSBS-P to go
low and FSBR-N to go high.
5 - 7 0 5 . While FSBS-P is high and
FSBR-N is low, OFDN-N, IFND-N,
lFWl-N, 2nd FWlS-P are generated.
is generated when FSBR-N
activates G38 which enables G39 to
be activated by CFlA-P. G32 is en-
abled by FSBS-P and activated by
CFOA-P which activates G33.
outputs of G39, OFDL-N, and G33,
lFND-N are routed to the Program:
Maintenance Panel INFIBUS access circuit
to gain access to the INFIBUS. FSBS-P
e n a b l e s G 1 1 , G 1 5 , G 1 7 a n d G 1 8 . CF1A-P
activates G15 which ensures FF8 is
a n d G18. T h e o u t p u t o f G 1 7 e n s u r e s
FF10 is cleared. The output of G18 pre-
s e t s FF11 w h i c h r e m a i n s preset until
FSAS-P is generated again. FSPS-P en-
ables G31 and FSPR-N disables G27.
The output of G11, 1FW1-N, presets FF2
causing FWlS-P (waveform L, figure 108)
to go high
FHTR-N activates G57 which
enables G51. G49 is enabled by FRNS-P.
FRNR-N activates G58 which enables G59.
When FW1S-P goes high, G49, G51, and
G59 are activated causing RNDB-P and
HTDB-P to go high and CRAB-N to go low.
With ARAB-P and CRAB-N low, the CPU
control register address is strobed to the
INFIBUS address lines when INFIBUS ac-
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