![]() T.O. 31S5-4-308-1
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
clock the Program Maintenance Panel mis-
determined by the address 0 through 15
cellaneous control circuit. The divide by
switches. This circuit also causes the
16 output of counter U55 is also inverted
Program Maintenance Panel address to be
by inverter I8, generating CLKI-N which
strobed to the INFIBUS during a level 1
clocks the Program Maintenance Panel ad-
interrupt. In the slave mode (when being
dress/data switch identification, multi-
addressed by another function) this circuit
plexers, and LED circuit.
causes either the address or data switch
closure information to be strobed to the
5-700. Approximately 1.9 msec after the
INFIBUS lines.
halt switch on the Program Maintenance
Panel switch flip-flops and single action
5 - 5 9 8 . Detail Analysis (see figure 106).
discriminator circuit is touched, OSTS-P
Initially, MRES-N is coupled through in-
goes high for 3.4 usec and FHTS-P goes
verter I6. The output of I6 activates gate
high and FHTR-N go low. The trailing edge
G7 which resets flip-flop FF4. The output
of OSTS-P (waveform C, figure 107) sets FF4
of I6 is also inverted by inverter I5 which
(waveform D, figure 107). Inverter I3 in-
resets flip-flops FFl, FF2, FF3, FF5, FF6,
verts the CFOA-P pulses. The first posi-
FF7, FF8, FF9, FF10, and FF11, state
tive going edge out of I3, after OSTS-P
generator U34 and counter U55. MRBA-N,
goes low, triggers the state generator U34
from the Program Maintenance Panel ad-
causing FSAS-P (waveform E, figure 107) to
dress/data switch identification, multi-
go high and FSAT-N to go low. When
plexers, and LED circuit, goes low when-
FSAS-P goes high, G7 is activated which
ever a master reset, MRES-N, is received
resets FF4. FSAS-P also clears FF11 if it
by the Program Maintenance Panel or when
was set. FSAT-N causes FSHR-N (wave-
the address clear switch is touched.
SFSA-N from the Program Maintenance Panel
form F, figure 107) to go low for 10.25
address/data switch identification, multi-
usec to allow for possible address register
incrementation. The second positive going
plexers, and LED circuit, goes low
edge out of I3, triggers the state generator
whenever an address 0 through 15 or data 0
U34 a second time causing FSAS-P to go
through - switch is touched. ANRW-N from
low and FSAT-N to go high. When FSHR-N
the Program Maintenance Panel switch flip-
goes high, FF3 is set, activating G4 which
flops and single action discriminator circuit
activates G5. The next positive going edge
goes low whenever the run,
out of I3 triggers state generator U34,
register read, or register write switches are
touched. If MRBA-N or SFSA-N goes low,
causing FSBS-P (waveform G, figure 107) to
gate G24 is activated. The output of G24
go high and FSBR-N to go low via inverter
is inverted by inverter I13. When the out-
I2. The output of I2 presets FF5 which dis-
put of I13 or ANRW-N goes low, gate G25
ables G5. The positive going edge out of
is activated which sets flip-flops FF12 and
I3, after FF5 is preset, triggers state gen-
erator U34 causing FSBS-P to go low and
FSBR-N to go high.
5 - 6 9 9 . The 25 MHZ clock, CLKA-N, from
the INFIBUS IS inverted by inverter I7 which
5 - 7 0 1 . While FSBS-P is high and FSBR-N is
constantly triggers counter U55. The divide
low, OFDN-N, lFND-N, and FWlS-P are
by 4 output of counter U55, IS divided by 2
genera ted. OFDN-N (waveform H, figure
by FF6. The outputs of FF6 alternately en-
107) is generated when FSBR-N activates
able gates G8 and G9 which are activated
gate G38 which enables G39. G39 is acti-
by the divide by 4 output of counter U55.
vated by CFlA-P. Gate G32 is enabled by
The output of G9, CFOA-P (waveform: A,
FSPS-P and activated by CROA-P which acti-
figure 107), and the output of G8, CFIA-P
vates gate G33. T h e o u t p u t s of G39,
(waveform B, figure 107), are used to time
OFDN-N, and G33, lFND-N (waveform I,
operations in the state generation and
fIgure: 107) are routed to the Program Mainte-
nance Panel INFIBUS access circuit to gain
access to the INFIBUS. FSBS-P enables
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