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T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
G12 which disables G18. The output of
above sequence is repeated and the ad-
G18 disables G19 which causes INAX-P
dress information stored in address shift
to go low. The information remaining in
registers U58 and U78 is circulated back
the address shift register is circulated,
to its original position through G22. If
as explained previously, by the ASCA-N
the address clear switch (S37) is touched,
pulses until shift counter U12 reaches a
the address clear LED (CR37) lights and
count of 16. When a count of 16 is
SCLA-N activates G23 which resets ad-
reached, G13 is activated. The output of
dress shift registers U58 and U78. If an
G13 is inverted by I8 which resets FF3
address switch is touched a second time,
and FF4. Resetting FF3 and FF4 clears
the associated bit position in address
shift counter U12 and disables address
shift registers U58 and U78 is cleared. If
shift registers U58 and U78.
the address 15 switch is touched a second
time, the above sequence is repeated
5 - 6 5 4 .  To increment address shift regis-
except; at the sixteenth ASCA-N clock
ters U58 and U78 by two is similar to in-
pulse AOOS-P and INAX-P are both high.
crementing the address shift register by
The output of G22 is low and a 0 is clocked
one, except BYSW-N is high. BYSW-N
into bit position 15 of address shift regis-
is inverted by I9 which disables G15 and
ters U58 and U78 which causes the address
G18 and enables G17. The output of G14
15 SLED to go out.
is high at a count of 0 which disables G17.
The output of G14 is also inverted by
5-653. To increment address shift regis-
inverter I/O which disables G5. After the
ters U58 and U78 by one, FF3 is preset by
first count, the output of G14 goes low
FSAT-N from the Program Maintenance
activating G18 and is inverted by I10
Panel state generation and micro operations
which enables G15. Activating G18 acti-
circuit and lPNC-N presets FF5. Setting
vates Cl7 causing INAX-P to go high for
FF3 sets FF4 on the next trailing edge of
the second and following counts. When
the clock pulse out of I6. Setting FF4 en-
INAX-P and AOOS-P are high, G22 functions
ables shift counter U12 and address regis-
as a half adder and a 0 is clocked into
ters U58 and U78, as explained previously.
the associated position of address shift
The shift counter generates the BCD signals
registers U58 and U78 where a 1 was stored.
SC15-P, SC2S-P, SC4S-P, and SC8S-P and
INAX-P remains high until AROO-N goes
the 16 ASCA-N pulses, as explained previ-
high which corresponds to a 0 in associated
ously.  BYSW-N is low when address shift
address shift registers U58 and U78 bit
registers U58 and U78 are to be incremented
position.  When AROO-N goes high, G15
by one. BYSW-N is inverted by I9 which
is activated which activates G16. On the
enables G25 and G17. The 1 output of FF5
next negative going edge of the clock
activates G17 which activates G20 holding
pulse out of G12, a 1 is clocked into ad-
INAX-P high. When INAX-P and AOOS-P
dress shift registers U58 and U78 because
are high, G22 functions as a half adder
and a 0 is clocked into the associated bit
INAX-P is still high. This increments ad-
position of address shift registers U58 and
dress shift registers U58 and U78 by two
U78 where a 1 was stored. INAX-P re-
because the 0 bit position of the address
mains high until AROO-N goes high, which
shift register was skipped by the action of
corresponds to a 0 in associated address
G14. The remaining address shift regis-
shift registers U58 and U78 bit position.
ters U58 and U78 information is circulated,
When AROO-N goes high G15 is activated
the shift counter U12 is cleared and the
which activates G16. On the next negative
address shift register is disabled as ex-
going edge of the clock pulse out of G12,
plained previously.
a 1 is clocked into address shift registers
U58 and U78. This occurs because INAX-P
5 - 6 5 5 .  When PSAA-N is high address shift
is still high, incrementing the address in
registers U58 and U78 can accept the
address shift registers U58 and U78 by
16-bit parallel address information DOOA-P
one.  FF5 is cleared on the second nega-
through D15A-5 from the Program Mainte-
tive going edge of the clock pulse out of
nance Panel data multiplexer and bus

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