T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
and U80
triggers and clears FFl which removes
which couples DOOA-N through
to the INFIBUS data lines.
WBAS-P and WBAR-N, and G12 is disabled
Gate G4 acti-
and G4 is activated.
vates G5 which activates I1 which
generates WDGA-N to the Formatter.
5 - 5 9 6 . G e n e r a l . The Mag Tape Controller
The Formatter accepts the data word
read/write `control status circuit controls
and removes WDDC-N which disables
the transferring of data to or from the
Gl. G4 is disabled and WDGA-N is
Formatter. It controls writing or reading
Also, the high to low
operations of data with the Formatter and
transition output of Gl sets single-
provides error indications for timing errors
shot SSl which activates G2.
and overrun conditions.
5 - 5 9 7 . Detail Analysis (see figure 90).
G2 presets FFl which generates
When the master reset pulse is generated
WBAS-P and WBAR-N and the cycle
on the INFIBUS or when the MAG TAPE CON-
previously discussed is repeated
TROLLER status register is written, the
for the next data word.
Mag Tape Controller data output and control
register circuit generates GRSA-N and
With a read operation
GRSC-P. GRSA-N resets flip-flop FF4, and
control word stored in the data
activates gate G7 which resets flip-flop
output and control registed circuit,
FF3. GRSC-P activates gate G2 which pre-
WRCO-P, CROA-P, and CROS-P are
sets flip-flop FF1. FF1 then generates
WBAS-P and WBAR-N. WBAS-P enables
activates gate G3 which presets FF2.
half of gate G12 and is also routed to the
CROS-P enables gate G11, half of
Mag Tape Controller data output and con-
gate G12, half of gate G14, and the
trol register circuit. WBAR-N disables
set input of FF2. The 1 output of
gate G4 and is also routed to the Mag Tape
FF2 is inverted by inverter I2
Controller address receiver and
which disables G11.
recognition circuit.
5-598. With operation control word
stored in the Mag Tape Controller data out-
5 - 6 0 3 . The Formatter presents a data word
put and control register circuit, CRIS-P is
to the Mag Tape Controller which causes
generated which enables G4 and activates
the Mag Tape Controller data input and
G 1 2 . G12 generates PDSA-N which is
selector circuit to generate RDSP-P and
routed to the Mag Tape Controller data
RDST-N when IDSB-N is generated.
input and selector circuit and Mag Tape
RDSP-P triggers FF4 and activates gate
Controller INFIBUS access circuit.
G10 which resets FF2. RDST-N is
PDSA-N is also coupled through driver
inverted by inverter I4 which enables
DR1 which generates BTAl-N.
G11. With FF2 reset, 12 activates G11
When the Formatter is ready to
and G11 generates ISB-N which is
accept the data word, it generates
routed to the Formatter to indicate a
WDDC-N which activates gate G1. G1
successful transfer.
enables G4.
The output of gate G13 is
5-604. The Mag Tape Controller data in-
always low which keeps half of gate
put and selector circult removes RDSP-P,
G14 disabled. Also, i n v e r t e r I 5
which disables G10, and RDST-N, which
inverts the output of G13 and enables
triggers sets FF3. The 1 output of FF3
enables the set input of FF4 and also acti-
5-600. To present a data word to the
vates G12, which generates BTAl-N. With
Formatter, the Block Transfer Adapt-
RDST-K removed, I4 disables G11 which
removes ISB-N.
er slaves the Mag Tape Controller
which causes the Mag Tape Controller
data output and control register
c i r c u i t t o g e n e r a t e W D R B - N , WDRB-N
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