![]() T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
FF14 set) which generates CCSN-P (wave-
5 - 5 3 2 . The Bus Controller will generate
form B, figure 77). If the INFIBUS is not
QUIT-N if the transfer is not completed
busy, SELD-N will be high which enables
within 2 usec. Inverter I16 inverts QUIT-N
gate G18. As CCSN-P is generated G18
which activates gate G25. G25 sets FF7
will be activated. The output of G18 sets
which generates BABR-N which triggers and
FF3. The 1 output of FF3, enables gates
sets FF13. The output of FF13 activates
G16 and G19 and activates gate G15. The
gate G33 which activates gate G31. The
output of G15 is coupled through driver DR4.
output of G31, BT4B-N, causes the Mag
The output of DR4, SRLD-N (waveform C,
Tape Controller to generate a level 3 inter-
figure 77) is the highest priority infibus
rupt request. This halts the current opera-
access request and the Bus Controller de-
tion and the CPU tests status to initiate
tects this request and responds with SELD-N
the operation once again.
(waveform D, figure 77) and PCDA-P (wave-
form E, figure 77). SELD-N disables G18
5-533. In a normal cycle (within 2 usec),
and is also inverted by inverter I12 which
BOLA-P enables G28 and BOLA-P is also
enables G19 and activates G16. With G16
inverted by inverter I15. After the 50 nsec
activated, G17 is disabled and PCDB-P is
delay of delay DL4, G28 is activated by
not generated. PCDA-P activates G19
the output of I15 which generates STRB-N
which sets FF4 and disables gate G21.
(waveform K, figure 77). With the strobe
The 1 output of FF4 activates gate G20 and
(STRB-N) generated, the Core Memory will
generate the data from the address gener-
enables G21. The 0 output of FF4 disables
G18 and G15 and activates driver DR3
ated by the BTA. It will take approximately
which generates SACK-N (waveform P,
325 nsec for the Core Memory to place the
figure 77). Disabling G15 causes SRLD-N
data on the INFIBUS data lines. As
to return to high. The Bus Controller then
STRB-N is generated, inverter I18 inverts
removes PCDA-P and G19 is disabled which
STRB-N and generates STRA-P (waveform
activates G21. G21 resets FF3 and G15 and
L, figure 77) which activates G22,
G16 will be disabled by the 1 output of FF3
clearing FF4. Inverter I13 also inverts
(low). With G16 disabled, G17 is once
STRA-P, disabling G20. At the same time,
again enabled to generate PCDB-P. SELD-N
the 0 output (low) of FF5 disables G18 and
is then removed by the Bus Controller
the 1 output (high) enables G26 and acti-
which enables G18 and it is also inverted
vates G27. G27 activates G24 and the
by I12 which disables G16 and G19. At
output of G27 is also routed to the
the same time, the 1 output (high) of FF4
INFIBUS as BTB2-N (waveform J, figure 77).
BTB2-N notifies the Mag Tape Controller
activates gate G20. The output of G20 sets
to accept the data present on the INFIBUS
FF5 and activates gate G24. BOLA-P
(waveform G, figure 77) is generated by
data lines and present it to the Formatter.
G24 -which is routed to the BTA address,
BTB2-N (BOND-N) also activates G37
which resets FF14. The 1 output (low)
data and block length register circuit to
strobe the first address of the address regis-
of FF14 disables G36 which disables
ter to the INFIBUS (waveform l-l, figure 77).
G35, removing CCSN-P.
BOLA-P does not activate G4 because
AMOS-P is being generated for a write
5 - 5 3 4 . The Core Memory, having receiving
operation (presenting data to the Formatter),
an address with the RITE-N line high (read),
will generate the data from the address
disabling G4. BOLA-P also activates G43
specified. After the dats is stabilized on
which generates BYTE-N (waveform I,
the INFIBUS data lines, the Core Memory
figure 77). G25 is also enabled by BOLA-P
Controller generates DONE-N (waveform
and will is activated if the transfer is not
N, figure 77). inverter I19 inverts DONE-N
completed within 2 usec. In this cycle,
generating BDNA-P (waveform 0, figure 77)
data is to be read out of the Core Memory
which activates G27 and G26. Inverter I14
and RITE-N is high. The address is gener-
inverts BDNA-P, disabling G20 and G23.
ated and the Core Memory will present the
The output of G26 sets FF6 and the 1 output
data (from address selected) on the INFIBUS
(high) of FF6 enables G23. The Mag Tape
data lines.
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