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T.O. 31S5-4-308-1
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
activated and its output activates G10 which
I4 activates G2 which generates ADUN-N
generates ACNT-P (waveform G, figure 76).
(waveform I, figure 75). ADUN-N is coupled
Inverter Ill inverts ACNT-N which gener-
through driver DRS which generates DONE-N
ates ACWT-N (waveform H, figure 76). At
(waveform J, figure 75). The output of I5 is
this time, the BTA address, data, and
delayed by delay DL3 for 50 nsec which
block length register circuit is presenting
then disables G2, removing DONE-N. TO
the control word bits DOOA-P, DOlA-P and
read the contents of the address register,
D07A-P to the control register flip-flops
the Processor master function generates the
FF8, FF9, and FF11, respectively. The
address and RITE-N remains high. G5 and
leading edge of ACNT-P triggers FF11,
G7 are both enabled by the output of I7 and
loading it with D07A-P and on the trailing
G11. When FFl is set, AMAS-P activates
edge of ACNT-P FF9 is triggered, loading
G5 and G7 generating ASTB-P and ASTA-P,
it with DOOA-P. The 0 output (low) of FF9
respectively, to the BTA address, data and
activates gate G32. On the trailing edge
block length register circuit to strobe the
of ACWT-N, FF8 is triggered loading it
address register contents to the INFIBUS
with DOlA-P. On the trailing edge of
data lines and DONE-N is generated as
AMAS-P (waveform F, figure 76), FF9 is
explained previously.
cleared and G32 is disabled. The high-to
low transition output of G32 triggers flip-
5-529. To load the block length register
flops FF12 and FF 14. If the block length
within the BTA address, data and block
register is loaded, LAZE-N from the BTA
length register circuit, the Processor
address, data, and block length register
master function places the address, data
and RITE-N on the INFIBUS. G3 and G8 are
circuit is high which enables the set input
of FF14. FF14 is set by the high-to-low
enabled and address recognition takes place,
G3 is activated which activates G8, gener-
transition output of G32 and the 1 output
ating ALDB-N (waveform G, figure 74) to the
(high) of FF14 enables gate G36. The 1
BTA address, data and block length register
output (high) of FF11 enables gate G31 and
circuit. This action loads the block length
activates G36 which enables gate G35.
register with the data from the INFIBUS data
The 0 output of FF11, ABAR-N, is routed to
lines.  FF2 is triggered and set by the output
the BTA address, data and block length
of I2 and the 1 output of FF2 enables G2,
register circuit. To write the block length
I4 activates G2 which generates ADUN-N
register, DOlA-P is high and FF8 is set.
(waveform H, figure 74). ADUN-N is
The 1 output, AMDS-P, of FF8 enables gate
coupled through DR.5 which generates
G30 and disables gate G4. The 0 output,
DONE-N (waveform I, figure 74) and after
AMDR-N, of FF8 disables G30 and is also
the 50 nsec delay of DL3, G2 is disabled
routed to the BTA address, data and block
and DONE-N is removed. To read the con-
length register circuit. For a read o p e r a t i o n
tents of the block length register, the Pro-
DOlA-P is low and FF8 is not set. AMDS-P
cessor master function generates the ad-
(low) disables G30 and enables G4. The Mag
dress and RITE-N remains high. G5 and G7
Tape Controller cycles, loading its control
are enabled by the output of I7 and G11.
register and then generates DONE-N on the
When FFl is set, G5 and G7 are activated
INFIBUS. To read the control register
which generates ASTB-P and ASTA-P to the
contents, the cycle is repeated as explained
BTA address, data and block length regis-
previously for reading the status register,
ter circuit which strobes the block length
but the BTA address, data and block length
register data to the INFlBUS data lines and
register circuits strobe the control data to
DONE-N is generated, as explained previ-
5-531.  The Mag Tape Controller will
5-530. TO load the control register, the
generate a request for data when instructed
Processor master function generates the
by the Formatter and BTBl-N (waveform A,
address, control word, and RITE-N. Ad-
figure 77) will be received (BTAl-N from
dress recognition takes place and G10 is
the Mag Tape Controller). Inverter I21 in-
enabled as explained previously. G3 is
verts BTBl-N activating gate G35 (FF11 and

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