![]() T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
to couple the lC3 and 2C3 inputs and to
5 - 4 9 4 . TR07-P from, the clock generator
the 1Y and 2Y outputs. This causes TOTR-N
circuit enables G6 and once every seventh
to generate DDOO-N, and DN04-N through
of 16 CLCK-P pulses G6 is activated. The
DN07-N to generate DD04-N through DD07-N
output of G6 activates G7 and when
which are routed to the data bus driver/
TR07-P is removed G6 is disabled which
receivers U59 and U69.
disables G7. The low-to-high transition
output of G6 triggers FFl through FF3.
5-490. BDIN-P strobes the data bus
FF2 remains set which holds G5 disabled,
driver/receivers U59 and U60, and BOLA-P
and FFl is cleared which enables gate G2
strobes the device number bus drivers U60
and disables the set input of FF2. DOOS-P
and U70. This causes the Serial I/O en-
is routed to the set input of FF3 and if
coded device number to be strobed onto the
DOOS-P is high, FF3 remains set which
INFIBUS data lines.
holds G10 disabled and a 1 is indicated to
the external device (first data bit). If
5-491. When the interrupt is serviced the
DOOS-P is low, FF3 is cleared which acti-
Serial I/O is addressed to write data into the
vates G10 and a 0 is indicated to the
data register. Data from the INFIBUS,
external device (SDAT-N). The low-to-
DBOO-N through DB07-N, is inverted by the
high transition output of G7 clocks the data
data bus driver/receivers U59 and U69 in-
shift register U77 which shifts once to the
verters (11 shown) which generates DOOA-P
left and one stop bit (the output of G5 high)
through D07A-P. DOOO-P through D007-P
is shifted into the D07S-P position.. The
are routed to the parallel data inputs, A
cycle is repeated and the data shift register
through H, of data shift register U77, and to
U77 is again shifted to the left and the
the control register circuit. The address
second stop bit is shifted into the data shift
recognition circuit generates AOCK-N and
register U77. FF2 is cleared (FFl cleared)
the asynchronous data transfer control cir-
which activates G5 and G5 presents a low
cuit generates TCBE-N. AOCK-N activates
to the SDLS input of data shift register U77.
gate G7 and TCBE-N presets FFl and FF2.
The 1 output of FFl disables gate G2 and en-
5 - 4 9 5 . The cycle is repeated seven times
ables the set input of FF2. The 0 output of
and the second stop bit will be in the
FF2 disables G5. When AOCK-N is removed,
DOOS-P position which enables gate G3 and
the set input of FF3. Gates G2 and G4 are
G7 is disabled and the low-to-high
activated (DOlS-P through 307S-P are low).
transition output of G7 clocks the data
G2 and G4 activate G3 which generates
shift register U77 which loads it with
DAGN-P. DAGN-P is routed to the asyn-
the parallal data.
chronous data transfer control circuit and
on the next low-to-high transition output
5-492. After the data register is loaded,
of G6 the data shift register is shifted to
the asynchronous data transfer control cir-
the left and the last stop bit is transmitted
cuit generates TRST-N. TRST-N resets FF3
to the external device. G3 is disabled
and the 0 output of FF3 activates G10 (start
(DOOS-P goes low) which removes DAGN-P
bit). The output of G10 activates the TTY
and the asynchronous data transfer control
driver U10, Q4, and T3 and is inverted by
circuit removes, TRSE-P which disables
inverter I3 which removes SDAT-N.
G6 and TRSA-N which prevents the data
shift register U77 from shifting. The se-
5 - 4 9 3 . The asynchronous data transfer
quence is repeated to transfer the next
control circuit then generates TRSE-P and
data word to the external device.
TRSA-N. TRSE-P enables gate G6 and
TRSA-N enables the data shift register to
5 - 4 9 6 . With a control word for a read oper-
shift to the left (D07S-P to DOOS-P). At
ation stored in the control register circuit,
this time, G5 presents a high to the serial
data left shift (SDLS) input of data shift
BARL-N are generated. RINS-P enables
register U77.
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