T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0367-464-0010
put of I10 is delayed 50 nsec by delay DL2.
serial I/O by writing into the status regis-
The delayed output of DL2 disables G11
ter. The address, AB0l-N through ABl5-N
which disables G15 causing ARES-N to re-
(figure 59, waveform A), and RITE-N (wave-
turn to high. At this time, the 1 output of
form B, figure 59) are placed on the INFI-
FF2 enables gate G12 and inverter Ill in-
BUS. The selected Serial I/O status regis-
verts the low output of DL2 which activates
ter address, FXYO 16 is generated where X
G12. The output of G12, ADUN-N (wave-
and Y make up the variable device number
form I, figure 59), is generated for 50 nsec.
(AB04-N through AB11-N). The inverted
The high output of Ill is inverted by inver-
AB04-N through AB11-N inputs are applied
ter I12I then delayed 50 nsec by delay DL3
to the address comparators and inverted
which disables G12. ADUN-N is routed
AB12-N through AB14-N input activate G3.
to the INFIBUS access circuit where it will
The inverted ABl5-N input is coupled
generate DONE-N to indicate a completion
through DRl and with the output of G3 and
to the master function.
the address comparators high, the set input
of FFl high. At the same time, with ABOl-N
5-450. To read the status register of the
through AB03-N high and inverted by inver-
Serial I/O, the cycle is similar to a status
ters 12, 14 and 16 which enables gate G5.
register write except RITE-N (waveform B,
If ABOl-N through AB03-N are not a valid
figure 60) and its inverse RITA-P (waveform
register address, gate G2 is activated.
C, figure 60) are not generated. AILA-P
The output of G2, AILA-P, is low which
(waveform D, figure 60) must be present to
disables the set input of FF2. When a
indicate a valid address and STRA-P (wave-
valid address is detected, G2 is disabled
form F, figure 60) is generated at the same
and AILA-P is high. At the same time,
time as STRC-P (waveform E, figure 60).
Inverter I7 inverts RITE-N, generating
STRA-P enables G20. ASUS-P and MPXA-P
RITA-P (waveform C, figure 59). RITA-P
are generated as explained previously.
enables gates G10, G13, G15 and G18.
MPXA-P selects the status data in the data
Inverter I16 inverts RITA-P which disables
selector/control circuit. With RITA-P low,
gates G16 and Gl9. STRC-P (waveform E,
figure 59) from the Serial I/O Control Group
G13, G15, and G18 are disabled. RITA-P
INFIBUS access circuit is coupled through
is also inverted by I16 which enables G16
driver DR2 which activates gate G9. The
and activates Gl9. The output of G19 en-
output G9 triggers and sets FFl. AMAS-P
ables G20 and when AMAS-P is generated,
(waveform F, figure 59) is generated by
as explained previously, G20 is activated
FFl which activates G5. Inverter I3 in-
generating BDIN-P (waveform J, figure 60).
BDIN-N is routed to the data selector/control
verts the output of G5 generating ASUS-P
circuit to strobe the status data to the
(waveform G, figure 59). The output G5
also activates gate G8 which generates
infibus data lines. G11 will be activated
MPXA-P. AMAS-P is inverted by inverter
50 nsec after AMAS-P is generated but does
I8, disables the reset input of flip-flop
not activate any gates. ADUN-N (wave-
FF2 and enables gate G20. At this time,
form K, figure 60) is generated as explained
AILA-P is high (valid address) and the set
input of FF2 is enabled. After the 50 nsec
delay of delay DLl, Inverter I9 inverts the
5-451. After the status register is read,
delayed output of I8 and triggers and sets
the control register is loaded (written into)
FF2. The output of I9 also activates gate
for a read or write operation with the exter-
G11. The output of G11 activates Gl5
nal device being controlled by the Serial
which activates gate G14. The output of
I/O function. The address recognition
G14 is inverted by inverter I15 which gener-
cycle is the same as discussed except, gate
ates ARES-N (waveform H, figure 59).
G6 will be activated for a control register
ARES-N resets the infibus access circuit,
address. RITE-N, RITA-P, AILA-P, STRC-P,
control register circuit, asynchronous data
STRA-P, and AMAS-P (waveforms A through
transfer control circuit and data selector/
G, figure 61) are generated as explained
control circuit. The high output of I9 is
previously. The output of G6 is inverted
also inverted by inverter I10. The low out-
by lnverter I5 which generates ACNT-P
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