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T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
cuit then generates ADAT-P (waveform C,
generates CROA-P (waveform A, figure 52)
figure 53) and AWRT-P (waveform D, figure
which is routed to the input of control
53). ADAT-P enables G9 and AWRT-P
register U66 (FF2 shown) and to the Parallel
activates G9 which generates WDBR-N
I/O read/write control status circuit. When
(waveform E, figure 53). WDBR-N triggers
ACNT-N (waveform C, figure 52) and AWRT-P
and loads the output data register U57 and
(waveform D, figure 52) are generated, G11
U76 with the data word. Also, WDBR-N
is activated which generates WRCQ-P
is routed to the Parallel I/O read/write
(waveform D, figure 52), AS discussed,
control circuit. This causes WBAS-P
WRCO-P triggers and loads control register
(waveform A, figure 53) to be removed
U66 with the read control word and the
which disables G9. G9 removes WDBR-N
control register generates CROS-P (wave-
(waveform E, figure 53) and the outputs of
form E, figure 52) which is routed to the
the output data registers U57 and U76 are
Parallel I/O read/write control status
coupled through data drivers U62, U63 and
circuit. CR2S-P is generated to enable
U72 (DRI shown) which generates ODOO-P
interrupts as discussed.
through OD11-P (waveform F, figure 53).
ODOO-P through OD11-P represents the
5-419. When the Parallel I/O is slaved to
data word which is routed to the Alarm
read its control register, the Parallel I/O
Control and VF Comm Link Function.
address receives and recognition circuit
generates AABL-P and ARED-P which enable
5 - 4 2 1 .  When the Parallel I/O is slaved
G14. The Parallel I/O INFIBUS access cir-
to read data out of its data register, the
cuit then generates STRA-P which activates
Parallel I/O address receiver and recogni-
G14. The output of Gl4 enables G12, G13
tion circuit generates AABL-P (waveform
and G15. The Parallel I/O address re-
A, figure 54) and ARED-P (waveform B,
ceiver and recognition circuit then generates
figure 54). AABL-P and ARED-P enable
AMAS-P which activates G12 causing
G14.  The Parallel I/O INFIBUS access
DBRA-P to be generated. At the same time,
circuit then generates STRA-P (waveform
the Parallel I/O data input and selector
C, figure 54) which activates G14. The
circuit generates DOOA-N through D15A-N,
output of Gl4 enables G12, G13 and G15.
representing the control word, which is
The Parallel I/O address receivers then
routed to data bus driver/receivers U69,
generate AMAS-P (waveform D, figure 54)
U70, U79 and U80. DBRA-P strobes data
bus driver/receivers U70 and U80 which
and ADAT-P (waveform E, figure 54).
AMAS-P activates G12 which generates
couple DOOA-N through DO5A-N, DO8A-N,
DBRA-P (waveform F, figure 54) and
and D09A-P to the INFIBUS data lines,
DBOO-N through DB05-N, DB08-N, and
ADAT-P activates G13 and G15 which
generates DBRB-P (waveform G, figure 54)
and DBRC-P (waveform H, figure 54),
5 - 4 2 0 .  To have data loaded into the
respectively.  At the same time, the Parallel
Parallel I/O data register, the Parallel
I/O data input and selector circuit generates
I/O must first be reset. Then the Parallel
DOOA-N through D15A-N , representing
I/O control register is loaded with a write
data, which are routed to data bus driver/
control word. This causes WBAS-P (wave-
receivers U69, U70, U79, and U80.
form A, figure 53) and CRlS-P (waveform
DBRA-P, DBRB-P, and DBRC-P strobes the
B, figure 53) to be generated, as discussed
data bus driver/receivers which cause
previously, which enables G9. When the
the data to be routed onto the INFIBUS
Parallel I/O is slaved to write data into
data lines DBOO-N through DBl5-N.
its data register, DBOO-N through DB11-P,
representing the data word, are present
5 - 4 2 2 .  When the Parallel I/O performs
on the INFIBUS.  DB00-N through DB11-N
an interrupt, the Parallel I/O address
are inverted and routed to the output data
(device number) is placed on to the
register U57 and U76 by data bus driver/
INFIBUS data lines. The Parallel I/O
receivers U69, U70 and U80. The Parallel
INFIBUS access circuit generates BOLA-P
I/O address receiver and recognition cir-
and BOLA-P activates G12, G13 and G15

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