T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
verted by inverter Ill which generates
5-416. When the Parallel I/O is slaved to
GRSC-P. Or, when the Parallel I/O is
load a write operation control word into the
slaved to write its status register, the
control register, DBOO-N through DB05 -N,
Parallel I/O address receiver and recogni-
representing the control word are on the
tion circuit generates AWST-N (waveform
INFIBUS. DBOO-N through DBOS-N are in-
A, figure 49) and AWRT-P (waveform B,
verted by data bus driver/receiver U80 and
figure 49). AWST-N enables gate G10 and
routed to the inputs of control register U66.
AWRT-P is inverted by inverter I13 which
Inverter I7 and gates G4 and G7 decode the
a c t i v a t e s G10. The output of G10 activates
inverted DBOO-N and DBOl-N bits. For a
G8 which generates GRSA-N (waveform C,
write operation, both DBOO-N and DBOl-N
figure 49) and I11 generates GRSC-P (wave-
are low which causes G4 to be disabled and
form D, figure 49). GRSA-N and GRSC-P
G7 to be activated. G4 presents a low and
are routed to the Parallel I/O read/write
G7 presents a high to the inputs of control
control status circuit for reset purpose.
register U66. The Parallel I/O address
This causes the Parallel I/O read/write
receiver and recognition circuit generates
control status circuit to generate WBAS-P
ACNT-N (waveform A, figure 51) which
(waveform E, figure 49) which enables
enables gate G11. Afterwards, the Parallel
gate G9. GRSA-N also resets control regis-
I/O address receiver and recognition cir-
cuit generates AWRT-P (waveform B, figure
ter U66 (flip-f lop FF2 shown).
51) which is inverted by I13. The output
5-415. When the Parallel I/O is slaved to
of I13 activates G11 which generates
read out its status register, the Parallel
WRCO-P (waveform C, figure 51). WRCO-P
I/O address receiver and recognition cir-
triggers and loads the control register U66
cuit generates AABL-P (waveform A, figure
with the control word. Also, WCRO-P is
50) and ARED-P (waveform B, figure 50)
routed to the Parallel I/O, read/write control
which enables gate G14. The Parallel
status circuit.
I/O INFIBUS access circuit generates
STRA-P (waveform C, figure 50) which
5-417. The control register U66 generates
activates G14. The output of G14 enables
CRlS-P (waveform D, figure 51) for a write
gates G12, G13 and G15. The parallel I/O
operation and CR2S-P (waveform E, figure
address receiver and recognition circuit
51) which is routed to the Parallel I/O
then generates AMAS-P (waveform D, figure
INFIBUS access circuit to enable interrupts.
50) and AWST-N (waveform E, figure 50).
Also, gate G2 and inverters I3 through I6
AMAS-P activates G12 which generates
and I8 invert the outputs of control register
U66 and generate CROO-N through CRO5-N
DBRA-P (waveform F, figure 50). AWST-N
is inverted by inverter I14 which activates
(waveform F, figure 51) which are routed to
the Parallel I/O data input and selector
G15 and G15 generates DBRC-P (waveform
G, figure 50). At the same time, the
Parallel I/O data input and selector circuit
generates DOOA-N through Dl5A-N (repre-
senting status data) which are routed to
the data bus drivers/receivers U69, U70,
U79, and U80. DBRA-P strobes data bus
driver/receiver U70 and U80 which couples
5-418. When the Parallel I/O is slaved to
DOOA-P through DOSA-N, D08A-N, and
load a read operation control word into the
DOSA-N to the INFIBUS data lines DBOO-N
control register, the cycle performed is
through DBOS-N, DBOI-N, and DBO9-N.
similar to the cycle performed when loading
DBRC-P strobes data bus driver U79 which
a write operation control word. The differ-
couples Dl2A-N through D15A-N to the
ence is that for a read operation control
INFIBUS data lines DB12-N through DB15-N.
word DBOO-N is low and DBOl-N is high
After the transfer is completed, STRA-P
(on the INFIBUS) which causes G4 to be
is removed which causes the status data
activated and G7 to be disabled. G4
to be removed from the INFIBUS.
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