T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
by S3 and S4. When Mag Tape Unit No.
STA4-P, and STA5-P are low. This
1 will be used to load the tape program,
causes the outputs of ROM4 to assume
switches S3 and S4 are in the down po-
a pre-programmed value (nibble 1).
sition which causes DBOO-N through
STA2-P also enables gate G2 which is
activated by STAB-P (waveform C, fig-
DB03-N to remain high when BONL-N
goes low. When Mag Tape Unit No. 2
ure 40). The output of G2 clocks the
will be used to load the tape program S3
outputs of ROM 4 in to the ROM nibbles
is in the down position and S4 is in the
data register U68. The N100-N through
up position which causes YB00-N,
N103-N outputs of the ROM nibbles data
DB02-N and DB03 -N to remain high and
register U68 are coupled through data
DBOl-N to go low when BONL-N goes
multiplexer U69 to the data bus drivers
low During a level 1 interrupt data
transfer RLDR-N is high and when ONLN-P
5-377. When STA3-P (waveform D, fig-
goes high, ABOO-N and ABOl-N remain
ure 40) goes high, the output of inverter
I9 goes low activating G3. The output
of Gl is still low and the output of G3
5-374. When the Autoload function is
being addressed, the selected ROM
is high (address bits ABOl-N through
outputs are clocked into the ROM nibbles
AB07-N remain unchanged), which
data register and then strobed to the
causes the outputs of ROM 4 to assume a
INFIBUS data lines in word or byte for-
second pre-programmed value (nibble 2).
mat. The address bits AB03-N through
STA3-P also enables G4 which is acti-
AB07-N are coupled through inverters I1
vated by STAB-P. The output of G4
through I5 and address bits ABOl-N and
clocks the outputs of ROM 4 into the
AB06-N are coupled through inverters of
ROM nibbles data register U68. The
address bus driver receivers U20 (18
N200-N through N203-N outputs of the
typical). AOlA-P through A07A-P are
ROM nibbles data register U68 are
routed to ROM 4 which is enabled by
coupled through data multiplexer U59
ERM4-N from the Autoload address recog-
to the data bus drivers U60.
nition and ROM select circuit.
5-378. When STA4-P (waveform E, fig-
ure 40) goes high, the output of inverter
5-375. When the Autoload address
recognition and ROM select circuits
16 goes low activating G1. The output
recognize the Autoload address on the
of G1 is high and the output of G3 re-
turns to low because STA3-P has returned
INFIBUS address lines, AMAS-P (wave-
form A, figure 40) goes high enabling
to low (address bit A301-N through AB07-N
gates G17 and G22. Also, RLDS-P and
remain unchanged). The outputs of Gl
INTS-P are low, which allows nibble
and G3 now cause the outputs of ROM 4
bits N100-N through N103-N, N200-N
to assume a third pre-programmed value
(nibble 3). STA4-P also enables gate
through N203-N and N400-N through
G10 which is activated by STAB-P. The
N403-N to be coupled through the data
output of G10 activates gate G11 which
multiplexers U69, U59 and U39. If a
activates gate G8. The output of G8
word (16-bits or four 4-bit nibbles) is
clocks the outputs of ROM 4 into the
to be strobed to the INFIBUS data lines,
ROM nibbles data register U48. The
BYTE-N is high and is inverted by in-
N300-N through N303-N outputs of ROM
verter I12. This low output of I12 dis-
nibbles data register U48 are routed to
ables gates G6, G7, G12 and G13 and
the data bus drivers U50.
is inverted by inverter I13. This high
output of I13 enables gates G2, G4,
5-379. When STA5-P (waveform F, fig-
G11, and G15.
ure 40) goes high, the output of inverter
I7 goes low activating Gl and G3 (ad-
5-376. When STA2-P (waveform B, fig-
dress bits ABOl-N through AB07-N re-
ure 40) goes high, the outputs of gates
main unchanged). The outputs of G1
G1 and G3 are low because STA3-P,
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