T.O. 31S5-4-308-l.
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
D, figure 38) to go low. The output
G24, G26 and G37 are enabled and gate
of G5 sets FF3 and activates gate
G29 is activated which enables gate G32.
G28 causing ONLN-N (waveform E,
INTS-P activates G32 which sets FF10.
figure 38) to go low. The 0 output of
The 0 output of FFlO clears FF7. The 1
FF3 disables G10 which disables Gl.
output of FF10 enables gate G17 and
The 1 output of FF3 enables gates G9,
G33 and activates G26. The output of
G11, G12, G23 and G25, enables FF6
G26 is coupled through driver DR3 which
to be preset, and activates gate G7.
generates SRLl-N (waveform K, figure 38).
The output of G7 activates gate G8
In response to SRLl-N the Bus Controller
causing AONL-N (waveform F, figure
causes SELl-N to go low which disables
3 8 ) t o g o l o w . AONL-N also activates
G32. The high output of G32 now enables
G28, generating ONLN-P. When
G33 and activates G17 which disables
PDCA-P returns to low, G2 is dis-
G16. Also, the Bus Controller generates
abled which activates G3. The output of
the precedence pulse a second time.
G3 clears FFl which disables G2.
When the precedence pulse, PCDA-P,
g o e s h i g h , G 3 3 is a c t i v a t e d w h i c h s e t s
FF8. The 1 output of FF8 enables G30
nsec after ONLN-P goes high,
STRA-P (waveform G, figure 38) goes
and activates gates G21 and G31. The
high which activates G11 and enables
output of G21 activates G20. The output
of G20 is coupled through DR2 causing
gate G27. STRA-P is also inverted by
SACK-N to go low a second time. The
inverter I2 which disables G5 (ONLN-P
output of G31 sets FF9 and activates G28
remains high because AONL-N still Pow).
Activating G11 clears FF2. With AONL-N
which causes ONLN-P to go high a
and ONLN-N low, the address 0006 16 is
second time. The 0 output of FF9 dis-
ables G29 which disables G32. The 0
strobed to the INFIBUS address lines
output of FF8 also disables G24 and G26.
and the Autoload address FB00 is strobed
The output of G24 is inverted by I7 which
to the INFIBUS data lines.
sets FF7. Setting FF7 activates G37
5-364. When the direct data transfer is
which ensures FF11 is cleared.
abling G26 causes SRLl-N to return to
complete, the addressed function (Core
high. T h e 1 o u t p u t o f F F 9 e n a b l e s g a t e s
Memory Controller) generates DONE-?!
which causes the Autoload control cir-
G22, G25, G27, G35, and G36. When
cuit to generate BDNA-P (waveform H,
PCDA-P returns to low, G33 is disabled
figure 38). When BDNA-P goes high,
which activates G30. The output of G30
clears FF10.
G9 and G12 are activated. The output
of G12, ACLK-N (waveform I, figure 38),
sets FF4 and disables G7 and the output
50 nsec after ONLN-P goes high
of G9 holds G8 activated. BDNA-P also
the second time, STRA-P goes high a
activates G25 causing BEND-N to be
second time activating G27 which clears
generated. Setting FF4 enables gate
FF8. The output of FF8 enables G26 and
G7. BDNA-P is also inverted by in-
the 1 output of FF8 disables G21 which
verter I3. When BDNA-P returns to low,
causes SACK-N to go high. T h e o u t p u t
of FF9 disables G24, G29, and G37. The
the output of I3 returns to high which
1 output of FF9 activates G35 which
activates G6. The output of G6 clears
causes BONL-N (waveform L, figure 38)
FF3, Clearing FF3 disables G7, G9,
to go low which holds ONLN-P high
G11, and G12 causing ACLK-N and
Clearing FF8 also disables G31. With
AONL-N to return to high. Clearing
FF3 also activates gate G13 which
clears FF4.
ACLK-N also causes INTS-P
c o n t r o l circuit to be generated. With
FF8, FF9 and FF11 still cleared, gates
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