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T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5505-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
high and RLDR-N low, a direct data
PO-N through P3-N, which represents the
transfer INFIBUS access is requested by
page number, are routed to bus driver receivers
the Autoload INFIBUS access logic circuit
U44 (G3 shown typical). RDST-P is gen-
and, when gained, 0006 16 is strobed to
erated which strobes the page number to the
the INFIBUS address lines and the ad-
INFIBUS data lines, DBOO-N through DB03-N.
dress FBOO is strobed to the INFIBUS data
l i n e s . When the direct data transfer is
complete, DONE-N goes low for 50 nsec.
DONE-N is inverted by inverter I8. The
output of I8, BDNA-P, causes the Auto-
5 - 3 4 5 .  General.  The Autoload control
load INFIBUS access circuit to cause
circuit detects the autoload signal and
ACLK-N to go low for 50 nsec. ACLK-N
causes the Autoload INFIBUS access circuit
activates G5 which resets FF3. The
to generate a direct data transfer. When
output of I8 is also inverted by inverter
the direct data transfer is complete, the
I7 which presets FF6. Presetting FF6
Autoload control circuit then causes the
insures FF2 will not be set until after
Autoload INFIBUS access circuit to
generate a level 1 interrupt request for
another MRES-N pulse is received. Re-
data transfer. When the Autoload
settling FF3 sets FF4 which causes the
address recognition and ROM select cir-
Autoload INFIBUS access circuit to gen-
cuit recognizes the Autoload address,
erate a level 1 interrupt data transfer
the Autoload control circuit clocks and
request. When the level 1 interrupt data
controls the Autoload ROM and data select
transfer is complete BOLK-N goes low
for 50 nsec activating G6 which resets
5 - 3 4 6 .  Detail Analysis (see figure 34).
5 - 3 4 8 .  If the Autoload control circuit
Initially, the Autoload control circuit
does not receive a DONE-N pulse within
receives a master reset pulse, MRES-N
2 usec after INFIBUS access is gained,
from the INFIBUS.  MRES-N is inverted
ABRT-N goes low, activating G5 and G6
by inserter I2 and the output of I2 is
which resets FF3 or FF4 depending on
inverted by inverter I3. The output of I3
resets flip-flops FF2 and FF6, resets the
which one was set.
S-bit shift register U65, and activates
gates G5 and G6. The output of G5 re-
5-349. The 25 MHz clock pulses,
sets flip-flop FF3 and the output of G6
CLKA-N (waveform A, figure 35), are
resets flip-flop FF4. The output of I2 is
coupled through inverter I10 and divided
also inverted by inverter I1 which resets
by two by flip-flop FFl0. Gate G8 is
flip-flop FF1 and single shots SSl and
enabled by the 5 volts and gate G10 is
SS2. Also, AMAS-P is normally low hold-
disabled by the logic 0 out of inverter I9.
ing flip-flops FF5 and FF7 reset.
The 12.5 MHz pulses out of FF10 acti-
vates G8 which activates gate G9 at a
5 - 3 4 7 .  When an Autoload pulse, ATLD-N,
12.5 MHz cate. If the J4 jumper was
is generated by the Program Maintenance
installed, G10 would be activated and G8
Pans: or Bus Controller, it is coupled
would be disabled. The 12.5 MHz out-
through driver DRl which activates gate
put of FF 10 would be divided by two by
G l . The trailing edge of the Gl output
flip-flop FF11.  This 6.2.5 MHz output
sets FF1 which will remain set until the
of FF11 would activate G10 which would
next MRES-N pulse is received. The
activate G9 at a 6.25 MHz rate.
output of FF1 triggers SSl. The 0 output
5 - 3 5 0 .  The 12.5 MHz output of G9
of SSl activates gate G4 which resets
flip-flops FF8 and FF9. 140 msec late:
waveform B, figure 35) enables gates
the trailing edge of the 1 output of SSl
G11 and G12 at a 12.5 MHz rate and is
triggers FF2 which disables Gl. The 0
divided by two by flip-flop FF12. The 1
output of FF2 sets FF3 and RLDS-P and
output of FF12 enables G11 at a 6.25
RLDR-N are generated. With RLDS-P
MHz rate and the 0 output of FF12 acti-

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