T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
1, DBEN-P enables G29 for the PLO-P parity
G19, DBEN-P, is high enabling gate G29.
bit (stored in D008-P position) to activate
The Ql output of read/write register U50,
or disable G29. If an error exists in zone 1
R/R-P, is high which enables gate G25
or 2, FF4 will be set as explained
The Core Memory presents the data word to
the Core Memory Controller data transfer
circuits and will be strobed to the INFIBUS.
The Core Memory Controller data transfer
circuit generates the same DBOO-P through
DBl5S-P combination of data bits to the ex-
5 - 3 3 1 . General. The Core Memory Control-
clusive-or gates G30, G32, G33, G38,
ler address transfer circuit converts INFIBUS
G39, G43, G44, and G47. If there was no
address to Core Memory address and trans-
error in transferring the data between Core
mits them to the Core Memory.
Memory and Core Memory Controller (loss
of bits or noise injected hits), the same
5 - 3 3 2 . Detail Analysis (see figure 31).
combination of exclusive-or gates will be
Inverter I1 and associated address receivers
disabled or enabled which causes PLO-P
invert the address bits, ABOO-N through
and PHI-P to assume the same logic levels
AB15-N, from the INFIBUS address lines and
as when the data was written into the Core
generates ABOO-P through AR15-P. Address
Memory. At the same time, the Core Mem-
data ABOO-P through AB15-P are routed to
ory generates the parity bits, D008-P and
D017-P, which will have the same levels as
the Core Memory Controller command and
page select circuit, the address selector/
PLO-P and PHI-P. D008-P and D017-P will
driver gates and the address drivers. The
activate or disable G26 or G29 which acti-
Core Memory Controller command and page
vates or disables G28. If the output of G35
select circuit decodes the addresses and
is the same level as the output of G28, ex-
clusive-or gate G36 will be disabled which
determines whether or not the address is a
presents a low to the set input of flip-flop
low order address or page address.
5 - 3 3 3 . When a low order Core Memory ad-
5-328. When DONE-N is generated, in-
dress is received, PAGE MODE-P from the
verter I16 inverts DONE-N and generates
Core Memory Controller command and page
DONE-P which activates G25. When DONE-
select circuit is low and PAGE MODE-N is
N is removed, DONE-P is also removed
high. Driver DRl and associated address
which disables G25. The low-to-high out-
drivers will couple ABOl -P through AB12-P
put of G25 triggers FF4 which remains cleared.
to the Core Memory input address lines,
If there was a bit position of the data
AIOO-P through AI11-P. With PAGE MODE-
in error, the output of G35 will be different
P low G2 is disabled which causes AI15-P
from DOO8-P. The high and low inputs to
to remain low for all low order addresses.
G36 will activate it, presenting a high to
PAGE MODE-P (low) will also enable the
the set input of FF4 when FF4 is triggered,
associated address selector/driver gates
it will set. The 0 output of FF4 will acti-
to couple AB13-P through ABl5-P to Core
vate G37 which generates PARERP-P. The
Memory input address lines, AI12-P
exclusive-or gate G42 with the outputs of
through AI14-P.
G26 and G41 operates in the same manner
to set flip-flop FF5 when an error is de-
5 - 3 3 4 . When a page address is received,
tected in the word read out of Core Memory.
the address is first modified then trans-
ferred. The Core Memory Controller com-
5-329. During byte data transfers the error
mand and page select circuit generates
logic operates in a manner similar to word
PAGE MODE-P, PAGE MC3E-N and a com-
transfers, except when data is read out of
bination of PO-P, Pl-P, IJ17-P and IH06-
zone 2 of Core Memory, DCEN-P enables
P which is the page number. ABOl-P
gate G27 for the PI-II-P parity bit (stored in
through AB12-P are coupled through the
D017-P position) to activate or disable G27
address drivers as explained previously.
AB13-P through AB15-P are blocked (PAGE
when data is read out. When reading zone
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