T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
page number until another page is selected
the Q2 output of command register U35,
or system reset, MRES-N, is initiated.
PAGE MODE-N, will go low, PAGE MODE-P
and PAGE MODE-N are routed to the Core
Memory Controller address transfer circuit
5-323. Deleted.
where they enable the stored page number
(PO-P, Pl-N, IH06-P, and IJ17-P) to modify
the incoming address to the Core Memory.
The remainder of the cycle will be identical
to a read or write cycle as explained pre-
5 - 3 2 6 . When writing a 16-bit data word into
the Core Memory, the Core Memory Control-
ler data transfer circuit will transfer the data'
to the Core Memory and also generate DBOO-P
through DB15-P inputs. DBOO-P through
DB07-P are routed to the exclusive-or gates
G30, G32, G33, and G38 and DB08-P
through DB15-P are routed to exclusive-or
gates G39, G43, G44, and G47. The out-
puts of these gates are routed to the inputs
5-324. Once a page is selected and stored
of exclusive-or gates G31, G34, G40, and
in page register U57, addresses COO0 16
G45 and their outputs are routed to exclusive-
through DFFF l6 are used to read from or
or gates G35 and G41. The data bits (DBOO-P
through DB15-P) will have logic levels de-
write into the selected page. The cycles of
termined by the data to be transferred and
reading or writing words or bytes into the
the exclusive-or gates will be activated or
Core Memory pages are similar to the read
disabled according to these levels. The
and write cycles explained previously ex-
outputs of G35 and G41, PLO-P and PHI-P
cept: for addresses COO0 16 through CFFF l6,
are the parity bits which are routed out to
AB15-P will be high which will enable page
the Core Memory Controller data transfer
command decoder U34 and AB14-P is high
circuit to be placed on the data lines with
which causes the Y4 output of page command
the data word to be transferred to the Core
decoder U34 to go low for this range of ad-
d r e s s e s . For addresses DO00 16 through
PLO-P is placed on the 8-bit
data line and PHI-P is placed on the 17-bit
DFFF l6, AB15-P is high enabling page com-
mand decoder U34. AB14-P and AB12-P are
data line for word transfers. During byte
transfers, only DBOO -P through DB07-P are
high and the Y5 output of page command de-
coder U34 is low. In both ranges of these
generated by the Core Memory Controller
data transfer circuit. Only the output of
addresses G2 is activated providing a high
G35, PLO-P, will be used with the byte of
D2 input to command register U35. Gl is
data transferred to the Core Memory. When
disabled for these ranges of addresses. If
the byte of data is placed in zone 1 of the
the address exceeds DFFF 16, the Y6 or Y7
Core Memory, PLO-P is placed on the 8-bit
output of page command decoder U34 will go
data line to the Core Memory. When the
low which activates Gl, providing a low Dl
byte data is placed in zone 2 of the Core
input to command register U35. The Ql out-
Memory, PLO-P is placed on the 17-bit
put of command register U35 will be low and
data line to the Core Memory.
G3 and G5 will be disabled which prevents
the Core Memory Controller from transfer-
When the data word is written into
ring data to or from Core Memory.
the Core Memory, the parity bits (PLO-P and
PHI-P) are also written with the data word.
When command register U35 is load-
When the same word is read out of the Core
ed with a high D2 input (page mode), as ex-
Memory, the output of I2 BYTE MODE-N is
plained previously, the Q2 output of command
register U35, PAGE MODE-P, will go high,
high enabling gate G26 and the output of
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