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TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
form N, figure 11) are generated, NINT-N
interrupt will be completed within 300 nsec
and NNTS-P (waveform Q, figure 11) are
and, as explained previously, G2 is acti-
also generated by the Bus Controller service
vated by the output of ST1 which activates
request selection and interrupt circuit.
G3. The output of G3 triggers SSl and its 1
NINT-N enables gate G22 and when FF12
output (waveform B, figure 12) triggers SS2
is set, G37 is activated which generates
which triggers SS3. The 0 output of SSl
PSAK-N; PSAK-N disables G20 which
activates G2 once again and the cycle re-
removes DNOL-P. PSAK-N also activates
peats with every PWST-N pulse. SS2 resets
G22 which activates G23. The output
in 250 usec and will be triggered again in
of G23 activates G19 which causes SACK-N
2.5 msec (waveform C, figure 12) which
(waveform D, figure 11) to go low. NNTS-P
retriggers SS3  The 1 output of SS3 (wave-
(waveform R, figure 11) goes high which
form D, figure 12) enables G8 and every
enables G28. SCLK-P goes high triggering
250 usec SS2 resets which activates G8.
internal interrupt flip-flops U68 which sets
The output of G8 activates G9 which gen-
the associated flip-flop as determined by
erates MRES-N (waveform E, figure 12).
which alarm (EXAT-N, LFRQ-N, PWST-N power
MRES-N is generated for 2.5 msec and-is
fail, PF-N, or power restart, PR-N) has been
removed for 250 usec.
generated.  SCLK-P also activates gate G15
which activates gate G14. The output of
5-146. if regulated power is only lost
G14, RS-N, clears FF3, FF5, FF6, and
momentarily and then recovers, G10 will be
FF7. The outputs of the internal interrupt
disabled after SS3 resets and the pulse gen-
flip-flops U68 are routed to the bus drivers
erating network, C6 and R9, generates a
U58. Gate G16 receives the EXAT-N and
100 nsec pulse that generates the autoload,
LF-N outputs of internal interrupt flip-flops
ATLD-N (waveform G, figure 12), pulse, as
U68 which enables gate G17 of data bus
explained previously. ATLD-N is only gen-
driver U58. When ONLN-P (waveform 0,
erated if PRAL-N is low which is determined
figure 11) is generated by G40, G28 will be
by a switch in the Program Maintenance
activated which strobes data bus drivers
Panel. If PRAL-N is high, the output of
U58 and enables gate G29. Also, I5 in-
inverter I1 disables G11 and ATLD-N is not
verts ONLN-P which generates HOLD-N
generated.  If the PRIN-N, power restart
(waveform P, figure 11) via G30 and DR4.
interrupt inhibit signal, is not generated
Data bus drivers U58 generate the device
(high) by the Program Maintenance Panel,
number, binary code of DBOO-N through
G4 will be enabled for a power restart inter-
DB03-N which represents the alarm gen-
rupt. When pulse generating network C6
erated, to the INFIBUS data lines. For an
and R9 generates the 100. nsec pulse, G4 is
external attention, EXAT-N (CPU level I
activated which generates PR-N (waveform
self-interrupt) or line frequency, LFRQ-N
H, figure 12), setting FF6. The 1 output of
(CPU level 4 self-interrupt), DBOO-N goes
FF6 is routed to its associated internal
low. For a power restart, PR-N, level 4
interrupt flip-flop U68. The 0 output of
interrupt DB02-N is generated. For power
FF6 activates G18 which generates DNUM-P
fail, PF-N, level 4 interrupt DB0l-N is
level 4 interrupt request. DNUM-P is
generated.  G29 is activated after the
routed to the Bus Controller service request
delay of DL4 which generates STRB-N
selection and interrupt circuit.
(waveform G, figure 11). When PSAK-N
goes high G20 is activated and G22 is dis-
5-147. DNUM-P and DN3R-N request a
a bled. G20 generates DNOL-P, device
level 4 and a level 1 interrupt, respectively,
number on line, which is routed to the CPU
and these interrupts are generated internal-
and G22 causes SACK-N to go high via G19
ly by the Bus Controller alarm and INFIBUS
and G23. The remainder of the cycle is the
timing circuit. The interrupt cycles for
same as explained previously.
these internal interrupts are similar to the
Processor function interrupts except for the
5 - 1 4 8 . When MRES-N is generated,
following.  During the cycle, as PCDI-P
RSET-N is generated which clears FF2. The
(waveform B, figure 11) and CYST-N (wave-
0 output of FF2 enables G10 to generate

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