T.O. 31S5-4-308-1
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
sequence is continued until al1 blocks of
address lines. T
RMR function
of a CPU data re
is placed on
data are transferred.
S address lines. When F886 16
is on the INFIBUS address lines and RITL-N
5-87. When the Block Transfer Adapter
is low, the data command word from; the
and Mag Tape Controller are used to print
stored software program on the INFIBUS
out message tapes under control of the
data lines, DBOO-N through DB15-N, is
utility print program, the address register
strobed into the I/O Controller to select the
is loaded with the TTY function address and
desired mode of operation of the CCL, RSJ,
it is not decremented after t
or RMR functions.
ten out.
Only). The Printer Controller function re-
Tape Controller function transfers
ceives 8-bit bytes of data from the INFIBUS
data between the Formatter functio
and converts these bytes to 11-bit, ASCII
INFIBUS. When not under control of the
coded, serial words that are routed to the
Block Transfer Adapter, the Mag Tape Con-
RO TTY function. It also receives 11-bit,
troller transfers data to and from the For -
ASCII coded, serial words from the RO TTY
matter and INFIBUS, under ntrol of the
function and converts these words to 8-bit
s data is used
stored software progrom.
bytes of data that are placed on the INFIBUS.
to initialize the Formatter and notify the
The Printer Controller is a slave that gen-
CPU of the Formatter status.
erates a level 2 interrupt and is assigned
address F81X 16. There are three registers
located in the Printer Controller; the data
ler function is a master which controls data
register, control register, and status regis-
transfers between the CCL, RSJ, or RMR
ter. Each register I s assigned a separate
functions and the INFIBUS. It can also be
address which allows the stored software
addressed (slaved) by the stored software
program to write into or read from each: I reg-
program via the CPU. The I/O Controller
ister as determined by the level of RITE-N.
also determines which function has priority
The data register is assigned address
when more than one function is requesting
F818 16. The control register address is
F816 16, and the status register is F810 16.
5-90. When the CCL or RSJ function is
requesting a direct memory access (DMA),
5 - 9 4 . If the stored software program: is to
the i/O Controller generages a DDT
clear the Printer Controller, F810 16 is
and strobes the address, data and con-
placed on the INFIBUS address lines
trol information from the function. request-
ABOO-N through AB15-N and no data is
ing the DMA to the INFIBUS.
placed on the INFIBUS data lines, DB00-N
through DB15-N, 2nd a write operation
5-91. When the CCL, RSJ, or RMR function
(RITE-N low) IS performed. This write
generates an interrupt request, the I/O Con-
operattion to the status register clears the
troller generates a level 2 interrupt as ex-
Printer Controller. T h e P r l n t c r C o n t r o l l e r
plained previously and strobes the device
then generates DONE-N which frees the
number of the function requesting the inter-
rupt to the INFIBUS data lines.
The stored software program can: also
5-92. The I/O Controller is assigned
address F88X 16. When, address F880 16 is
read from or write into the control register,
as determined by the level of RITE-N by
on the INFIBUS address lines, ABOO-N
through AB15-N, the RSJ function is enabled
placing the control register address on the
to perform a read or write operation. The
INFIBUS address lines. After the control
register is written into or read from the
CCL function is enabled when F882 16 is on
Printer Controller generates DONE-N which
the INFIBUS address lines. The RMR func-
tion is enabled when F884 is on the INFIBUS
frees the INFIBUS.
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